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umm, Doom is Dead....

Guest uofreak

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Guest uofreak

Im sorry all, but this game is dead...its been dead for a while now, :P, i was a big fan, but i always had a real problem with the game , *i am a christian* and all the satanic stuff was kinda bad :P , but cmon , this game is just dead, im shocked to see people still play this..jeez..have any of you ever played Everquest? or Half-Life? i truely feel sorry for anyone who is still addicted to this dead, crappy looking, sorry game-play, P.O.S. game.


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Your a fagget. Some people still like the game. There are hundreds of people who still like DooM. Read the Stomped, Doomworld, and Newdoom forums you reject.

Oh, and as for the "Oh, i'm a pretty Christian, I would be sinning to play a game that has these REALLY REALISTIC deamons in it." WELL IM A CHRISTIAN TOO. And if your really that fucken deep into it, than I suggest you buy the game "Super Nhoas Ark3D"
I bet that Wolfenstien graphiced game could keep your pretty Christian ass up all night.

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Guest doomgod12345
Sir Fragsalot said:

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so what about demons, at least u are killing bad things. i am not like your kind who call a game evil yet mad so many useless atempts to force people into your religion and left a path of genocide and destuction in your wake. it is only a game and is not real it is popular cause it kicks ass

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uofreak said:

Im sorry all, but this game is dead...its been dead for a while now, :P, i was a big fan, but i always had a real problem with the game , *i am a christian* and all the satanic stuff was kinda bad :P

im a christain, and your not killing any body in this game, its just a bunch of pixles, thats all, and tell me, if some imp was to come after you and you had a gun, would you not shoot at it? and i do play other games, mostly rpgs, and its not right to tell some one if there opinion is right or incorrect, there is no such thing thing as a right or wrong opinion...... and the reason why Doom is "ugly" is because of the availble resources back then. yes, i have played half-life and quake2, the demos though, im cheap, but, Doom is one of those games that you can jump into and dont have to read the damn manual to figure out. and some people here dont have the computer to play games any more "advanced" than Doom... oh, and how old are you? well, the reason i play Doom is because i really dont have any better FPSs, goldeneye has crappy architechure, and is blocky as hell and the AI is crap.. but even if i could play q3 and all that good looking shit, i would still play Doom, the reason being is that i like the people in the commuinity......this is my longest post, i still need to get a girlfriend, heh........ how can i relate this to something else, hmmmmm...... ok, some one likes a certain soda, but is older than the rest, and doesnt like the newer sodas, how can you call them dumb for liking something older and not going with the latest fad,.......what matters to people is what they feel and like, if there was no such thing as individualism the world would probably be boring and plain.... but this is an assumption, i have no right to decide the minds of others in this world, only my mind i can decide..... and if Doom is dead, why are you here? and if any one wants to chat with me on aofuckingl or AIM, you can IM me at zer05000 ..heh

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sorry to burst your bubble, dickhead, but it's not dead. i feel sorry for people who come on forums simply to anger people.

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Guest Dream Destroyer

Okay, sure, uh, yah. You do realize that obviously doom is not dead. A game can't die if it has a whole community to back it up. Graphics don't bother us, we aren't a picky bunch. You christians preach about being modest, and thankful for what you have. We are thankful. The great gods at ID had delievered us a great game, and we have no need to replace it. So the graphics aren't the best, we don't mind. The gameplay sucks? I doubt that. If the gameplay really did suck, do you honestly think that we would still play it? No, I doubt it. *PUNCH* This is a *KICK* lesson *CHOKE* never to walk into the doors of a bunch of "SATANISTS" *KICK* and insult our way of life. Now leave bitch.

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Another poor soul corrupted by media bullshit saying this game is bad and the cause of so many problems. First, the game is not dead, projects like doom legacy, new wads, zdoom, the list goes on are keeping it alive, and looking better then ever. So the fuck what if I dont want to play an online game that charges to play, or halflife, which is a good game and I play that also, but still like doom. Go back to your little gay everquest world and hang out there, and leave us doom fans alone. And another thing, I'm christian too, and i'm sure most of the people in here are also, or atleast not satanic. Thats another bullshit sterotype tag on us doomers. Before you open your stink hole, get the facts straight, and dont come blabbing your "feelings" to our forums.

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Guest spacedog

Ooh, look at me i'm a christian, and all the nasty beasties scare me and i wet my pants and had to call my mummy, and now she won't let me play it 'cos she says it's bad. whimper.

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Religion is dead or dying, God is also dead or dying, you don't see me complaining do you???

I respect your religion and your aversion to the Satanic references in the game but to come into a _DOOM_ forum (think: where everybody thinks Doom is at least) and say that the game sucks, is just asking to be flamed/yelled at/abused. So next time think before your type.

And in direct rebuttal to your oppinion of Doom being dead, it's not! Sure, Half-Life and Everquest are must newer, much more graphically enhanced, much more complex; but Doom holds an elegant simplicity in its gameplay which makes it great. No other game to date has been able to match its type of gameplay, and that's what makes it unique and STILL fun to play. So what if the graphics are bad, so what if it has no polygons or freelook- it's a classic and as such will remain fun to play for a long time.

But as my closing statement, I just want to get you to think before you type something that could potentially lead to you being verbally abused in a forum.


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Guest cybersquirrel

If satanic stuff bothers you that much, shouldn't you be out trying to clean up the world rather than coming in here and telling us that our game sucks? Oh, and as far as I remember the game is about trying to *save* the world from evil demons rather than promoting satanism. If you want to bitch at some people got to www.clonejesus.com You'll be on much firmer ground there.

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GEEZ! One more idiot? As Prez i will assure to give suckers like him a lesson!


Not really. Never has been, never will be. A dead game doesnt have 5000+ users!

Crappy looking?

JDooM looks hella much better than Half-life!

Sorry gameplay?

Well if Dooms gameplay sucks, then Half-lifes does as well! We now have scripting, 3d floors or whatever!

P.O.S Game?

Well. Not really. Thats just because u think about the age!

Fuck you!
Screw You!
Eat my shorts!
And so on!

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Fuck you!

and lemme guess, you voted for bush too didn't you?
...suckers always fall for the type of crap he says.

If you were smarter you would see that doom is old, yes, but with all the mods that are still being made, the community is growing - not dying.

People still play with this game because some of us don't live in a life of luxury where we can by the hottest computer to play the hottest game. Not to mention that all the new games are next to impossible to edit.

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Ok explain to me so much if this game is dead then why is there like 300 web sites still running for it. Why is iD making a new one. Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one, and what you said was one. What everybody said down there is a fact, sorry to ruin what you said, but doom is never going to be dead. Just when we all thought it was over, zdoom, legacy, and mods like that started coming out. If any game is dead it is duke3d (Im like 5% sure of that, I have seen some new duke mods). Yeah I accully played my first doom game over the internet friday (before I went to my nextdoor neighbores house, he had 2 computers linked together). Yeah gamespy arcade even supports ZDooM you cum gussling queif. I will admit, Half-life is a goodgame, but, everyone in the half-life community is hooked on the mods for it, not the accule game, most of us still play singal player in doom at least 3x a week. Doom has a feel like no other game, even though its 7 years old, the feeling never goes away. Ok in hl, theres some fag ass loking zombie who walks around slicing people with his hands, in doom theres a 10ft tall cyber-demon shoting 2 rockets at once, demons the chew you apart, arch-viles that give an evil laugh then flame jump your ass in the air. When it comes down to it, just the levels in doom are scary, but with monsters that come out of the dark like in level 3 in doom1, the first time that happends you just like aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck, git it away, GODDAMNIT NO, HELP ME. In half-life your like, hehe whoa. See the difference.

When it all comes down to it uofreak theres only one sentance I can say that would best help you with most of the problems you have been having sence you were 13 (I really think your 7 thoguh)
"Silly faggot, dicks are for chicks.

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Guest Messiah
Shaviro said:

GEEZ! One more idiot? As Prez i will assure to give suckers like him a lesson!


Not really. Never has been, never will be. A dead game doesnt have 5000+ users!

Crappy looking?

JDooM looks hella much better than Half-life!

Sorry gameplay?

Well if Dooms gameplay sucks, then Half-lifes does as well! We now have scripting, 3d floors or whatever!

P.O.S Game?

Well. Not really. Thats just because u think about the age!

Fuck you!
Screw You!
Eat my shorts!
And so on!

5000 users.....on any given day counterstrike has about 17,000 playing at one time. But then again Doom is kinda old, but a classic none the less.

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