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if only there was.....


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for the first time, i tried making a map in DN3D's map editor/maker BUILD.EXE and realised how easy it is to build maps...i dont mean square maps or desert like maps(you know, empty maps?) the first time i tried it, i could make quite a stylish map...its not the best...but what the hey...comparing that to the doom level editors (im not complaining, exactly)
which i have been trying to learn for quite some time...i cant even make an elevator work properly...heh

So..if only there was a build like editor for the doom engine....hmmmm......

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Duke Nukem 3D's map editor is definitely one of the easiest-to-use editors ever made. There are some really weird and tricky functions in it, but trying out all its different capabilities can be more fun than a monkey full of barrels!

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