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How about Doomers VS. Quakers !? online,huh?

Guest s999cop

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Guest s999cop

How about Doomers VS. Quakers !? online , huh

Well, it sounds like a confusing idea. however, what i mean is Doom2ers mix with Quake3ers fight together, with our own weapons(like doomers use doom weapons / quakers use quake weapons) to see which game has better weapons and which gamers are stronger !?

Well, maybe there's no this possibility, because they are two differnet worlds, but u can vote on it !

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actually my friends and I have alreadty thought up that except we called Quakers , Quakesters instead and while i was reading this I alsot thought of something competitive like a sport for example football...we could have a team from id and other teams from acclaim and thq etc etc etc...sounds kinda gay but i dont give a fuck , if it were on tv i would watch it!!

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Guest doomgod12345

my bet would be on the quake players as far as skill. not to say i love quake, or quake players, more than doom. but quake is more 3d and u got to do all that aiming and stuff. doom dm is more like see and shoot, no aiming. we may kick there ass in doom but in quake chances are unless we play it too we are dead meat

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Guest Phoqus

There was a quake2-mod like that, called Generations, but it was cancelled due to copyright-violation.
In the mod you were able to play as 4 classes:
1) wolfestein-guy
2) doom-guy
3) ranger
4) quake2-guy
All the characters had their own original weapons (like the doom-guy had the plasmagun etc.)

Very cool mod, 2 bad it doesn't exist anymore =(

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Guest Daemoneon
s999cop said:

But then he realized that it was but the great death. I am the great death.

I must say that I would feel awkward fighting on either side. Me=Doom, Doom II, Quake, Quake II. Fighting someone from a different perspective would be against my belief (I kill with the chaingun in Doom, thunderbolt in quake and railgun in Q2, almost no exceptions, unless you catch me off guard after I pick up a plasma rifle or hyperblaster, but in any event, I would kill with reckless abandon). But, then again, that would be fun, especially since the doom marine is shorter than the quake and quake II marines. And 999cop, you really do a very good job of covering up the imp on your head (check your sentence structure).

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