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Today's message goes to: Tomb Raider


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Hey Tomb Raider! I just went to you site, and now I learned four things about your mod! You have two midi's {good choices} and two wavs! Well, my point is, my latest mod was destroyed in the making {a fatal mistake: forgot to make backups >:P} And I was wondering if you wanted to team up w/ me, cuz I was wanting to make a new mod for DooM myself, but kinda need someone to do all the sprites. {I can do art, but HATE drawing things from all those angles >:P} So, just give it a thought, check out my page; www.doomgalaxy.com ...blablablah...

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Um, he's addressing a person who calls himself "Tomb Raider", not talking about the game.

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Guest Nuno Correia

rotflol, that was fun :)=

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