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A new 3D game

Guest iosg

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Guest iosg

Hi everybody!

Do you want to make a new 3D game...

I think that we can make a new DOOM version...
Well guys... I now that id is making DOOM III...

But you can do the DOOM you want, with the things you want...
And if you want, we can do something different that DOOM...

We can use the Quake Engine or make our own... What you think is better...

Please, if you're interested, send me an e-mail to iosglpgc@teleline.es saying what can you do and with what will you help to the project...

Of course, this game will be fully 100% GNU/GPL, and 100% copyright of the developers that help in it...

Please, send me emails!


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are you offended by sarchasm¿ i have a feeling that you're going to get a lot of it. im too tired to give oyu any now though., sorry maybe some other time

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Guest Dream Destroyer

Don't mean to break your bubble, but your not going to find enough talented people to do that around here. Most of the people around here with talent are far too busy in their Doom projects.

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Guest NiCoTiNe
Dream Destroyer said:

Don't mean to break your bubble, but your not going to find enough talented people to do that around here. Most of the people around here with talent are far too busy in their Doom projects.

well dream destroyer, you certainly live up to your name, lol.

"That, that voice, where's it coming from? From nowhere?"

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