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ZDOOM 1.23???? Tutorials????

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Tormentor667 :

At my site ! but they are only in French!
I can translate them in english in the week as i said at the beginning of the month.


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X-DOOM said:

Where can I get some ZDoom 1.23 Tutorials (!)(in english or germen)(!)


At your site! and yes! I know, they are still in french! But I asked for German/English tutorials! But if you soon translate them to english, it is ok :-)

I am the chosen, who beats X-Doom in a real hard deathmatch! I know! X-DOOM never lost in Deathmatch (1 time in not official tournament) !!! One time, he will fight against me and face his own master! Prepare (without "you"!!!) to die!
I talk german and also english! But I'm not as bad as X-Doom in english :-)
My name is Tormentor 667
For Doom stuff check my web page at
hihi... nice joke, isn't it?

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