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A Dream Level Editor

Guest RTC Marine

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Guest RTC Marine

Well, This is what i wanna know! is there anyway to convert the build editor from duke 3d to doom? because that would rock!
with of course a few limitations :P

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Although there is no way in hell to actually convert the engine, zdoom is pretty much everything the build engine was, plus more,
so it would be better to wait for the next version of zdoom, it
already has tons more features than the build engine, and will have many more.

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Guest NiCoTiNe

yeah, the build editor was made by the people who made the build engine, that's why it is so good.

I wanna see DRIVABLE vehicles and SHOOTABLE turrets in the next version of ZDooM, like in Shadow Warrior, then we can truly say that the Zdoom engine has more features than the build engine.

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Guest Commando

NiCoTiNe, if you want turrets get your ass down to babagges and buy your ass a copy of Half-Life platinum.

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NiCoTiNe said:

yeah, the build editor was made by the people who made the build engine, that's why it is so good.

I wanna see DRIVABLE vehicles and SHOOTABLE turrets in the next version of ZDooM, like in Shadow Warrior, then we can truly say that the Zdoom engine has more features than the build engine.

actually not the men, the man . Ken Silverman is the one who's made the build engine, and as the very nice guy he is the most recent version (the one used in shaddow warrior and blood, ie with voxel sprites) is now aviable for free at his webpage (source included)

all hail, ken the man ;)

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Guest NiCoTiNe

Yeah, I know all that you silly shit. I have been working with the build engine since duke's release and have made 4 unreleased TC's for it. (2 for duke, 2 for SW).

So don't tell me that Ken Silverman is the man, because I know he is.


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