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new mod idea for doom...

Guest Nickname

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Guest Nickname

hi people... i was thinkin about doom and all and i got this wicked new idea for a mod.. well actually its not really that new but you wanna hear it anywayz? its called... wait for it... DOOMFORTRESS!!! killer idea eh? somebody should make it. id do it myself but i donno how.

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Guest Duke Nukem

You wanna fill us in on your ideas? Will it be like Team Fortress?

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Guest Nickname

Ya man it would be like teamfortress... see i noticed alot of fortress mods out there for many diffrent games.. namely UT Q3a HL etc... theres more but there still in development. See it would have all the classes from the original but it would be on the doom engine! isint that brilliant? Not to mention that if you crate a mod with the word "Fortress" in the title, that right there will get it some publicity! trust me i know.
So can you make it? can i help? i know nothing about the doom engine.. cept it has something to do with linedefs and sidedefs and vectors... No brushes for doom! no-sir-ee!
So anyway if you can make it... or know someone who can.. or someone else who reads this knows how.. or someone else reading this knows someone who can.. reply man! Id love to help out anyway i can To see MY vision of TF in doom become a reality.


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Guest Duke Nukem

I already made a team fortress Doom. the only thing is it sucked, so i deleted it. If you do make a mod with some people or something, maybe ill try and contribute a good map.

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Guest Nickname

I dont think you tried hard enough... what other mods did you make?

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This thing would probably need you to download the source code and change it (Base it on legacy!),I thought up something like this where theres 8 co-op starts,and 4 are one team and the last 4 are the other,Then ya make a map and stick the starts in!,This would be cool cause then it'd be easy to use existing maps for this thing.Ok,so thats only a simple 4vs4 thing with no classes..but still

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  • 2 weeks later...
Nickname said:

I dont think you tried hard enough... what other mods did you make?

No offence, but why make and play a Doom TF when theres Quake TF or even Half-Life TF?

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