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voices.wad for strife


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anyobody know where i can get the voices.wad (game voices) for strife? ive heard they are pretty good. nay help would b greatly appreciated thanx gw.

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I would also like the voices, I've missed them ever since my Strife was lost, and the freeware don't have the voices

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Vorpal said:

I think it's like 60 megs. I don't have it installed at the moment so I dunno.

i dont care how big it is i still want it. also seeing its only sound files in it wouldnt RAR be able to compress it much more than winzip ? itd probly have to compress down to about 20 or less id say using RAR. anyone can help? i really do want the voices for it. i would be eternally grateful for any assistance.

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I happened to pick up a copy at a software clearance for a mere $10 Australian ($5 US). I got System Shock for only $5 as well. Bargain! Stupid fuckers didn't discount Wolfenstein though. Still charging $32 for it >:(

Anyway, Strife's voices.wad is 26 megs, and it compresses via RAR 2.71 to 15.4 megs

But I don't have the webspace/time to upload it. But why wouldn't you have the voices.wad already? Unless you got a warezed version. Oh and the shareware version did have voices in it. Granted for only a few characters.

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DarkStorm said:

I would also like the voices, I've missed them ever since my Strife was lost, and the freeware don't have the voices

I have Strife on CD somewhere. I'll look for voices.wad for you.

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