Guest Alcazar Posted February 14, 2001 How many 3.5inch disks did DOOM II originally come on? 0 Share this post Link to post
GooberMan Posted February 15, 2001 Your 2 disk version sounds suspiciously like Doom 1 shareware.... Doom 1 came on 4 disks, Doom 2 on 5 disks, and ultimate doom was on 5 disks too. I can't say about Final Doom, as I only have a CD version and they are all one compressed file instead of split in to disks 0 Share this post Link to post
NiGHTMARE Posted February 15, 2001 I'm not sure, but I don't think there even is a diskette version of Final Doom. 0 Share this post Link to post
Perforator Posted February 15, 2001 To my belief there was no diskette versions of final doom released. Final Doom was also the first game to use doom 95 software. And by the time final doom came out no one really devolped games onto diskettes anymore. If final doom did come like that there would be 10 disks, there were 60 levels in final doom but were divided into 2 different games, which in dos were called doom 3 and doom 4 (which This was also said by lord flathead) so that makes me kind of wonder if iD will use doom 3 for the name of the new doom. 0 Share this post Link to post
Megalyth Posted February 15, 2001 They weren't called Doom 3 and Doom 4, they were TNT and Plutonia. Final Doom wasn't made by id anyway, it was made by TeamTNT (hence the TNT). The executables for both episodes was doom2.exe, not doom3.exe or something like that. Besides, Final Doom isn't considered to be an "official" Doom episode (to my knowledge), because you don't play as "the" Doom marine from the original games. 0 Share this post Link to post
Perforator Posted February 16, 2001 I know they werent actually called doom3 and doom4. But if your remember using dos they were under the directory doom 3 and doom 4. Final Doom cant be considered a game cause it really isnt. Its just a level pack using another game engine. Theres no new monsters, weapons, or items, only textures. And you will find that the complete names for the 2 32 map episodes are "The Plutonia Experiment & Evilution". The game had ties with gt interactive, I don't know if they made it, and everyone know's when fd was being made iD was working on quake 1. 0 Share this post Link to post
Megalyth Posted February 16, 2001 I don't really consider it new material, cause it has no new monsters or anything, but it was a stand-alone product. I liked the Evilution episode myself, though many don't. Plutonia Experiment sucks. :) 0 Share this post Link to post
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