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Where can I find DOOM MP3's?


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I used to get them from www.Doomhq.com, but seeing how it shut down I have nowhere to get them. Can anyone tell me anyplace else to get them?

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which mp3s do you mean? from the pc version, or the psx? i've been ripping the psx music for a while and have the first 11 levels done. i just have no place to put them up.

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elbryan42 said:

which mp3s do you mean? from the pc version, or the psx? i've been ripping the psx music for a while and have the first 11 levels done. i just have no place to put them up.

You could always get an netdrive sort of thing to upload them to... I'm interested in the PSX Doom music myself... so, if you want, I can look around for somewhere to put them up...

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Guest deathwarrior
Rubilacxe said:

The PC Version

do remix's count? if so... grab some from below...

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Yo, yo, what da dilly, god! Try downloading one of mah favorite programs from www.napster.com called (DOY!) napster! It will let you find any mp3's ya want with the greatest of ease. Peace out yo.

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Guest deathwarrior

napster? never heard of it (heh)

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esco said:

Yo, yo, what da dilly, god! Try downloading one of mah favorite programs from www.napster.com called (DOY!) napster! It will let you find any mp3's ya want with the greatest of ease. Peace out yo.

Tried Napster, Most of the time they don't have it

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Guest Gruson

I have a lot of them from the PC....BEST MUSIC ever! I still use them when I play Quake 3 now.

I think level 1 and 7 are the best :)

Email me about this and I will put them up on my site...

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Guest ZarcyB
deathwarrior said:

do remix's count? if so... grab some from below...

Or maybe it would be better not to grab them at all. ^_^

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Guest pickle_hammer

I haven't posted here for like 4 months...

there, that feels better

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