esco Posted February 16, 2001 Yo,yo, wuzzup! I have had all of the doom64 sounds for over a year now. The zipfile is quite large (3.24 megs, too BIG for a disk anyways ;)... ). I ain't gots no website though so I can't just put them up. If anyone is interested in them or knows who I can contact to have them put on a doomworld site, let me know and I'll do it. I would have done this a LONG time ago, but last time I asked, everyone started hatin on doom64, so I didn't ask again (to those of ya who don't consider doom64 a real doom game... may the arch-viles fire toast yo toes, fools ;)... ). As for the guy who says he is working on a doom64 tc..please either email me back or post a reply on this forum. PEACE OUT, YA'LL.. DOOMWORLD IS DA PHATTEST PLACE ON EARTH! Email Address: 0 Share this post Link to post
Linguica Posted February 16, 2001 Why don't you make a WAD out of them? 0 Share this post Link to post
esco Posted February 16, 2001 yo, I already have! It replaces the enemy sounds. However, there are a lot of new sounds for "other things" (example several pain and death sounds for quake, quake2, heretic and hexen fighter class. As well as female and cyborg), in this wad and zipfile too. Many sounds go unused. REplacing sounds in a wad is too damn easy, especially with zdoom. 0 Share this post Link to post
Rubilacxe Posted February 16, 2001 OK, I MUST HAVE THOSE SOUNDS!!! I DON'T CARE IF THEY'RE IN A WAD OR NOT, BUT I MUST HAVE THEM!!! E-Mail them to me PLEASE!!! (Oh, By the way, Do they still make Doom 64? I've looked all over for it and I can't seem to find it) Heres the Adress: 0 Share this post Link to post
elbryan42 Posted February 16, 2001 cool! could I get those off you? also if someone does put these the sounds on a website, would you mind to put up the psx doom music? i have the first 11 levels done. awesome quality. i know all the files could take up a lot of room, but if someone wants them, just let me know. some of the tracks are the same as the n64 version. 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted February 16, 2001 I will possibly post them on unidoom if you send them to me. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest deathwarrior Posted February 16, 2001 send it to I'll upload it and prolly use them for my DDF add-on 0 Share this post Link to post
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