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Guest Direwolf

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Guest Direwolf


flip to page 9. Its confirmed there making the movie (DOOM) based on the game. Now I know all of you are like wtf or this guys stupid we already know this. Well all I can say is I never seen a major mag company say its Approved and there working on it.

So I just wanted to let you all know there (actually) making this movie and it should be out somewhere near next august or september! I hope they dont fuck this movie up or I will be poed to hell and back.

Hey btw, they may release the movie right when DOOMIII comes out by ID. lol sounds cool huh?

:) well cheers!

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wow !
DooM the movies !!!!

And who will make the Caporal Flynn Peter Taggar ? And Arlène Sanders, Goforth, Weems, Dodd, .....

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Guest Direwolf

Im sorry man, I have no clue who will be the main characters in this movie. All I know is that the Doom movie will be based off the game. So there may not be any arlene sanders ect ect

To my hopes, I hope they make the movie like the novels (but switch the ending around, in the last novels it got kind of confusing)

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I'm probably gonna see it a million times, then buy every single DVD and/or VHS they make of it. (I know, i'm sucha loser) ;)

I hope it's not gonna be corny and stupid like the Mortal Kombat Movies; they can use the "cool special effects" idea at least.

Do they have a copy of that article online somewhere?

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Guest Direwolf

Not that I know of, thats why im so hyped up. Read the news in the nextgeneration mag. Pick one up if you want to read it for yourself. Its not a exclusive thing in the mag but hey the info tells that there working on the movie as we speak. They were not really working on it a couple months ago but they just started back for some odd reason (perhaps they just finished geting the chars to play in the movie.

All I can say is yes I hope they dont fuck this movie up

Im thinking they will release the movie around when DoomIII comes out which would be awesome (hence peps watch the movie and go buy the game) lol even though this will be Doom 3 and the movie is just plan Doom

who knows how the story will go in the movie
perhaps it will be based on novel

perhaps it is based on IDS DOOMIII

since the production team making the movie has to get the go ahead by ID since ID is the ones that made the game and owns rights to the Doom name.

we shall see what happens

Hope they have a trailer in a few months >:)

btw your not a loser, you just dont want the movie to be fucked up just as any Doom lover thinks.

It is a good game so why shouldnt the movie be just as great!


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Guest Darkwing
Direwolf said:

Im sorry man, I have no clue who will be the main characters in this movie. All I know is that the Doom movie will be based off the game. So there may not be any arlene sanders ect ect

To my hopes, I hope they make the movie like the novels (but switch the ending around, in the last novels it got kind of confusing)

Well that's really good news but it sounds familar! Back in 1995 they were going to release 'Operation Doom' based on the game starring Arnie (can't spell his surname LOL) but they decided that there was not enough conversational pieces to make a movie and if they added more, where and how? they scrapped the whole idea. Don't get me wrong the idea of a doom movie really excites me (Event Horizon is on my top 5 movie list) but I just don't want to be dissapointed again.

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Guest Direwolf

well dont be disappointed, there making the damned thing! They have been working on it for awhile and just kicked into fulltime making the movie. If you dont believe me then woopdeshit lol go get the mag and read it. It dont say there making a doom movie. It says they have been making the movie yet they just started puting more time and effort into the movie. As I said before I guess they got there story or whatever the fuck they been doing complete or finished therefore there going head over hillz into actually filming the shit :D

well thanks for the reply

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Guest Direwolf

I dont give a fuck what you think lol

If you came in here to bitch about the damned movie then why bitch at all :) Whats a reliable source to you? President Bush announcing it over cnn? haha Well I hope you dont buy the movie nore the new game cus you my friend are negative!

Negative with a capital N lol

but damn why am I typing all this out to you

your not worth it..


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Reputable sources:

a) id software
b) a major movie studio
c) blues news

People have been claiming "This is it, the Doom movie is getting MADE!!!" for years and years.. "nextgen" magazine isn't going to convince me otherwise

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WOW! thats awesome lol.
I mean why wouldnt we believe you lol?
i mean i wouldnt just think your a liar or something lol
or maybe your blind lol
or maybe they are making a movie based on Quake and calling it doom LOL!
maybe people like you should die lol
yea lol
thats it!lol

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Guest Direwolf
mewse said:

Reputable sources:

a) id software
b) a major movie studio
c) blues news

People have been claiming "This is it, the Doom movie is getting MADE!!!" for years and years.. "nextgen" magazine isn't going to convince me otherwise


blue news=bs

try a place that actually has news like ve, probly dont even know what that means :) oh well

Why the hell would Id software announce that a movie studio is making a doom movie?

There not the ones making it why should they give out the info

my 2 cents ;)

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Direwolf said:


blue news=bs

try a place that actually has news like ve, probly dont even know what that means :) oh well

Why the hell would Id software announce that a movie studio is making a doom movie?

There not the ones making it why should they give out the info

my 2 cents ;)

Considering DooM is copyrighted by ID software im sure they would give a shit. Just my 4 cents over your 2 cents

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Direwolf said:


blue news=bs

try a place that actually has news like ve, probly dont even know what that means :) oh well

Why the hell would Id software announce that a movie studio is making a doom movie?

There not the ones making it why should they give out the info

my 2 cents ;)

Bah how dare you swear at our saviour... maybe our saviour will be cursed and won't play doom3 or see the doom film (if its ever made, I am also sceptical), but at least we'll all live on forever in eternal salvation, which is more than I can say for you, friend.

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Guest DoomFlynn

Please scan some screenshots and post them for us to believe you. :)

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