danarchist Posted February 16, 2001 Not that it has anyhting to do with doom, but the U.S. just bombed Iraq again... 0 Share this post Link to post
MaCvILeWhOrE Posted February 16, 2001 WHY?Why bomb iraq? That ain't cool, man the damn u.s. is gonna be the start of WW3, damn george bush and his bible humpin crap, why did you guys elect that assmunch? /me takes sip of coffee, knowing that canada ain't that stupid (not all americans in general but the damn president and his assmunch running of your country) 0 Share this post Link to post
Rubilacxe Posted February 16, 2001 The reason why were bombing Iraq is because Iraq has been attacking our Air-Forces as we pass over 0 Share this post Link to post
Vorpal Posted February 16, 2001 I don't know much about the situation over there... all this for fucking oil though? 0 Share this post Link to post
Sephiroth Posted February 16, 2001 oil is our poison, damn monkey ass governments base their econmy on it and throw away lives of good people to line thier pockets with gold. oil will not last for another 50 years and there are far better fuel systems and fules already made but becuase of contracts these can not be built 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Nuno Correia Posted February 16, 2001 By bombing Iraq, Mr. Bush descended to same levels as Saddam Hussein. The Gulf War was solely a product of his father. And he will do the same, or even worse, considering the Israeli-Palestinean confrontations that have been happening. During the ~10 years of Clinton presidency, there weren't any of these problems (not counting the bombings in his last few months as president - he was a doing a political thing, to affect the American opinions so that it would prefer a Democratic leader - bummer). I reckon he had been too busy with himself; altough even if he hadn't, he would have done a much better job. When I heard Bush had won the election, I couldn't help thinking that it would affect everyone in the world. Not only for political issues, no! Bush IS recession, the regression impersonated. Can't wait for the next election. The Republican candidate won't win. Americans aren't that dumb (no offense intended - altough half of you made the wrong choice). Not that I support Saddam Hussein; he is a madman, a lunatic. But he is not Iraq. What about the people? They are the ones that matter! This will kill them, not Hussein. It's like the depleted uranium crisis in C. Europe; the UN prefer defending the troops, instead of providing means of survival to the civilians who are dying there (i.e. they have no economic importance). 0 Share this post Link to post
Rubilacxe Posted February 16, 2001 MACVILEWHORE said:Oh, well, war sucks ass anyway. Yea, I agree 0 Share this post Link to post
Phoenix Posted February 16, 2001 Nuno Correia said: Bush is trying to avoid the mistake the idiots did, like long time ago, with A. Hitler. That is, to allow Iraq to rebuild any true form of military power. As for Clinton, ehmm he bombed – you want the hole list? Looking at Gore, he may would have done what Champerlein (spelling?) did a long long time ago, with Hitler. Lots of talk but completely clueless in what he was doing. You may want to study a bit of history. Someone please save us from the liberal left, they are so so stupid, and talk so so much. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Nodus Posted February 17, 2001 sephiroth said:oil is our poison, damn monkey ass governments base their econmy on it and throw away lives of good people to line thier pockets with gold. oil will not last for another 50 years and there are far better fuel systems and fules already made but becuase of contracts these can not be built I wish all those christians would go back to england or something. Just a bunch of pansies that beleive in fairy tales because theyre afraid to die. The bibles a bunch of crap, when youre dead, youre dead. Its okay to pray to god, but if he talks back your crazy, right? 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted February 17, 2001 Yep, we sure did. I think I'm gonna listen to the Event Horizon soundtrack, I haven't heard that in a long time. 0 Share this post Link to post
Peter Heinemann Posted February 17, 2001 Phoenix said:Bush is trying to avoid the mistake the idiots did, like long time ago, with A. Hitler. That is, to allow Iraq to rebuild any true form of military power. As for Clinton, ehmm he bombed – you want the hole list? Looking at Gore, he may would have done what Champerlein (spelling?) did a long long time ago, with Hitler. Lots of talk but completely clueless in what he was doing. You may want to study a bit of history. Someone please save us from the liberal left, they are so so stupid, and talk so so much. Maybe Mr. Bush does not talk so much because he is unable to built only one complete and good sentence. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest GBJacksonCGDC Posted February 17, 2001 Nodus said:I wish all those christians would go back to england or something. Just a bunch of pansies that beleive in fairy tales because theyre afraid to die. The bibles a bunch of crap, when youre dead, youre dead. Its okay to pray to god, but if he talks back your crazy, right? Are you sure that what the so-called pansies believe in is not true? Who made you the authority on the issue? Incidentally, whomever calls a Christian a pansy obviously has no clue as to what being a Christian means. Is it because Christians are less apt to jump into a fight? It takes a stronger person to avoid giving into the desire to throw a punch than it does to actually do it. Try it sometime, buddy. Next time someone insults you, see how hard it is to resist making him pay for his words. The life of a Christian is far more difficult than that of an unsaved person. If you think that Christians are weak, then I challenge you to carry a bible with you wherever you go. If you're so tough, then surely you can put up with the ridicule you'll get from those whom you called "friend" the day before. You'll go one day maybe, then leave it home the next day. And about the renewed fighting that's going on in Iraq: The Bible tells us that in the end times "There will be wars, and rumors of wars." when was the last time that you could go any real length of time without hearing about the possibility of the outbreak of war, or that fighting is actually going on over issues that are essentially current? I find it to be more practical to believe in what you called a bunch of fairy tales than to walk blindly into the jaws of Hell, content in my own ignorance. No. I am not calling you ignorant. But your statements are based on something which you clearly have very little understanding in. If you would ridicule Christians, first try living as one. I mean completely live as a Christian. Go to Church. try to win souls for Christ. Abstain from immorality. And when you see the number of friends decrease because they just can't accept you as anything but what you were before, you may find that the friends you keep are truly your friends willing to remain so no matter what. You will also hear people saying things like what you said in this thread, and you will know that by saying "These Christians", they are lumping you into it as well. Incidentally, I ask you all this question: Just what is so wrong with living a godly life, being morally strong, and doing what is right? In public schools, they hand out condoms and encourage students to practice "safe" sex. A condom may reduce the risk of pregnancy and contraction of STDs, but abstaining from sex eliminates the risks 100%. Love your girlfriend and want to have sex with her? Fine. Get married. Have sex with her. accept the responsibility and become a man, supporting a family. Oh. I forgot. The popular thing to do is what feels the most good with the least responsibility. Go right ahead. But I warn you that eventually, I don't care who you are or what you THINK, you'll regret the carelessness of your lifestyle. What happens when you score and then a few weeks later, she tells you that her birth contol failed. She's pregnant. You have fathered a child that is now growing within the woman you calimed to love. What will you do with that information? Tell her to have an abortion? What happens if she turns out to be more responsible than you, and believes that life is sacred? You cannot force her to kill her child. Now you have to make a decision that effects your life, personally. Will you do the right thing and take responsibility for the life that you started? Or will you show cowardice, running from that responsibility, showing the girl you once claimed to love that all you wanted was her body and turn your back on her and leaver her to take the responsibility alone? THAT's what those who oppose Christian principles would encourage. What if about a month later, your girlfriend comes to you terrified by what she's learned: her ex-boyfriend was diagnosed with AIDS and that she had slept with him? What happens when she goes to the doctor and discovers that she, too, is HIV positive. What will you do then? It'll be your turn to go to the doctor. And even if you used a condom, all it takes is a tiny hole you may not even have known was there. What will YOU do, if the doctor comes to you and says, "I'm sorry, son... The HIV test came back positive..."? You can say "It won't happen to me!" all you want. That's what many of the people that these things happen to all the time most likely once said. You're a human just like they are. What magic do you have to set yourself apart from them? Thousands of unborn children would not die each day; there would be fewer unmarried mothers, there would be fewer deadbeat fathers; there would be a stronger sense of family; and there would be a stronger nation today if more people lived by the values which the bible teaches. Incidentally, the prospect of having sex is no less alluring to a Christian as it is for anyone else. I've heard sexually active people say that they just have to have it (sex). It drives them crazy when they can't because of where they are or who their with. Accepting Christ does not just turn off a person's sex drive. So if a sex-crazed individual has a hard time going without for a short time, then imagine what it must be like for someone who willingly chooses to look temptation in the face and say "I will keep myself pure and I will NOT expect her to give up her purity just to satisfy my desire!" Who is stonger? You can lie to me if you want to. But you know the answer. Bash me for this all you want. It won't get you anywhere. I've said all that needs to be said, so you'll just be wasting your energy typing a response which you believe to be "a response guaranteed to really make him fighting mad." Not likely. I am a Christian, therefore by ridiculing Christians, you involved me. I'm sure that everybody here is really happy with you. They're thanking you, I'm sure. Go back to England? Do they even teach you in school what it was that inspired the formation of this country? Three things: Glory, God and Gold! Adventurers came for the glory that comes with exploration. They wanted fame back home. Those who were persecuted for not attending the same church as the Royal Family came here to worship as they felt led. And the other reason was greed. I would suggest that you take a long hard look at history. This nation was founded on religious principle and morality. Don't take my word for it... Study history for yourself. Preferably history written prior to 1962. Voluntary Prayer and bible reading was still permitted in public. there was no sepparation of church and state issue to cloud things up. There was just American History. Not the American History for Christian Schools and American History for secular schools that we have now. Take a current history book tought in a school within a city or state that is strongly in support of keeping God out of public schools. Take a History book taught in a Christian institution. Then take a pre-1962 book and then ask yourself which things from it are present in the Christian book that were ommited from the modern secular book. Then ask yourself which group is believing fairy tales. You may be surprised. Go ahead and look. Prove me wrong! In Christ, G. B. Jackson 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest GBJacksonCGDC Posted February 17, 2001 sephiroth said:oil is our poison, damn monkey ass governments base their econmy on it and throw away lives of good people to line thier pockets with gold. oil will not last for another 50 years and there are far better fuel systems and fules already made but becuase of contracts these can not be built Games and music are not to blame for violence... People are to blame. Doom did not MAKE the Columbine massacre happen. The perpetrators did. They planned it and carried it out. It is the liberals who blame games and music for these things. "We dare not hold anybody responsible for their actions. We must find something else to blame, that way we don't have to address the problem and encourage a return to values which would lessen the problem." Your are right, though. America HAS become ignorant. It has allowed it to be tauught that discipline your child is wrong. Why are kids disobedient to parents these days? because when they were little, they were not taught obedience through corrective measures. Now we have "Time Out." What good does that do? The only thing a kid thinks about while he's made to sit in time out is how mad he is at his mommy because she made him stop doing whatever he wanted to do. If you spank a child for doing wrong, he associates the physical doscomfort with what happens when he does wrong. Therefore, he will be less likely to misbehave the same way again. Consistancy is the key. If you tell your child that he'll get a spanking if he behaves a certain way, but then only spank him every other time he behaves that way, he won't take the threat of a spanking seriously. He'll know that he COULD get a spanking, but since he got away with it once before, he COULD get away with it again. Children are DEVIOUS! I am an uncle to six, between two sisters. They reason things out quite well. How to push their parents to the limit is one of those things. Another thing that causes spankings to not work: Spanking one child for doing something, and excusing another child from the same thing. the child that got spanked becomes resentful, often beligerant towards his sibbling. The other child develops an attitude that he's somehow better than his brother. Dicipline must be identical between all children in a family. And spanking a child is not child abuse. I was spanked when I was a child. I do not hate my parents for this. I love them for it. For I can look back on what I did to deserve it, and know that if I had not been punnished, I would have been less responsible and more rebelious than I was, and my values would be less. The root of eliminating violence in society is to restore classical discipline. If antisocial behavior is punnished at an early age, then it will be less pervalent later on. Good moral values wouldn't hurt either. In Christ, G. B. Jackson 0 Share this post Link to post
mewse Posted February 17, 2001 Phoenix said:Bush is trying to avoid the mistake the idiots did, like long time ago, with A. Hitler. That is, to allow Iraq to rebuild any true form of military power. As for Clinton, ehmm he bombed – you want the hole list? Looking at Gore, he may would have done what Champerlein (spelling?) did a long long time ago, with Hitler. Lots of talk but completely clueless in what he was doing. You may want to study a bit of history. Someone please save us from the liberal left, they are so so stupid, and talk so so much. I agree with you, except for your comment about "please save us from the liberal left, they are so so stupid, and talk so so much".. the far left was VERY against fascism, and the KGB recruited many "ideological" agents in the 30s solely because Russia looked to be the only country who was going to oppose Germany. Then Stalin allied with Hitler, that fucker.. Was Churchill on the right? I don't know, but I wouldn't assume so.. 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted February 17, 2001 MACVILEWHORE said:WHY?Why bomb iraq? That ain't cool, man the damn u.s. is gonna be the start of WW3, damn george bush and his bible humpin crap, why did you guys elect that assmunch? /me takes sip of coffee, knowing that canada ain't that stupid (not all americans in general but the damn president and his assmunch running of your country) If he was like Clinton, he would give Saddam a doggie treat to go along with shooting at our plans or whatever they did. What Bush did was extremely tactical and intelligent. It has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat. Get over it, Bush won and so far he has done a good job. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted February 17, 2001 GBJacksonCGDC said: I have to differ on the spankings. I don't think any kind of direct physical aggression is a good thing. There's a reason I nearly pass out and drop stuff when I'm not prepared for running into my dad in a hall or after work, and it's not from him being nice to me. And he didn't "abuse" either, I just can't stand him. Even though I could easily whoop him in a fight he still scares me because he was violent like that. I'm more of a "drop and give me 50" type of guy when it comes to punishment like that. It's physical pain, but it does the kid good in the process. It's more indirect but it works - when you get the ratio of physical pain for mental anguish/damage to others (or whatever) down right. I never trusted my dad with anything because he spanked me for things. So I'm going on 20 now and I've still never talked to him about anything that's even remotely personal. In fact, I call a guy 3,000 miles away who I've never met "dad". You can have fun with discipline - and there's a line between discipline and punishment I don't think too many people know about. For example, I could talk with my Drill Sergeant much more easily than I could with my dad, even though he was much harsher than him, to the point of throwing chairs in people's general directions. I'm dunno how to explain it, I just know if you're gonna cross that direct/indirect punishment line - good luck, you'll need it. Also, perhaps if the kids liked their parents as friends, they wouldn't be so anxious to push them and test their limits all the time, eh? That reminds me of my friend down the street: back at the age when we all hated our parents for laying down the rules and regulations, him and his dad got along like best friends. We'd wonder why he'd actually do things for his dad instead of try to piss him off "in return for being a jerk", like the rest of us. To cut it short, he was one of us when it came to being friends. He could sit down and chat and watch movies and stuff with the rest of us, and we didn't have to be afraid if some people started having sex or somebody got torn up in a grinder thingy. He could make the point that he didn't like it in some kind of humorous way without being a control freak. He had the respect thing figured out. Unfortunately, he married this Christian woman from down south and has become one of the most arrogant people I know. She has 4 kids and he practically threw out his old family for not being Christian. I just don't get how he could do that. He's totally taking the Christian in the wrong way (I'm not being anti-Christian or anything, his interpretation is just plain whack.) I've since lost all respect for him, but I remember his examples from years ago. He had high standards but got them across without any kind of physical confrontations, just by simply asking. I intend to try and be like that. And, uh... what was this topic about again? Sorry. 0 Share this post Link to post
Phoenix Posted February 17, 2001 mewse said:I agree with you, except for your comment about "please save us from the liberal left, they are so so stupid, and talk so so much".. the far left was VERY against fascism, and the KGB recruited many "ideological" agents in the 30s solely because Russia looked to be the only country who was going to oppose Germany. Then Stalin allied with Hitler, that fucker.. Was Churchill on the right? I don't know, but I wouldn't assume so.. I think(I could be wrong), the 'liberal left' is basically pacifists. Afraid to fight, and come with arguments like Iraq is not Hussein, so lets not do anything. People might get hurt, ignoring the possibility of what Hussein would do if he gets his army together again. I.e. more people getting hurt. The true left are willing to fight, and so are the ones on the right. I did not mean either of them. And the shit between Stalin and Hitler, that, man, let’s just make sure it’' not going to happen again. BTW Mr. Churchhill was conservative, but such a great leader, he goes beyond parties. That man would have been a great leader on any platform. 0 Share this post Link to post
Phoenix Posted February 17, 2001 Nodus said:I wish all those christians would go back to england or something. Just a bunch of pansies that beleive in fairy tales because theyre afraid to die. The bibles a bunch of crap, when youre dead, youre dead. Its okay to pray to god, but if he talks back your crazy, right? Not sure where you live. Here where I live, it’s called freedom. In America Christian, Jews, Muslims, Hindu, Buddhist or whatever have the right to live in their faith. I am a Born Again Christian, and I live as one, could care less what you think, except if you think I am about to move. If you happen to believe in nothing, well as a nothing you should have nothing to say. 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted February 17, 2001 I haven't taken a certain religion. But i do believe in god and jesus christ and I think everyone who goes against mine and other people's beliefs should just keep their opinions to themselves 0 Share this post Link to post
esco Posted February 17, 2001 Dang, yo! Can't we all just get along.....no!? oh well then... let's all go out and kill some more cyberdemons, NOT people! And let's leave religion out of this please. We all gots our own beliefs, there is no point in fighting over dem like we back in the streets of NY, or Cali, or wherever you be from. P.S. F*CK Mr. So Damn Insane, He is a f*cking p*ssy *ss f*ggot! Peace out and have a lovely day :] <- BIG MUPPET SMILE 0 Share this post Link to post
geekmarine Posted February 17, 2001 Nodus said:I wish all those christians would go back to england or something. Just a bunch of pansies that beleive in fairy tales because theyre afraid to die. The bibles a bunch of crap, when youre dead, youre dead. Its okay to pray to god, but if he talks back your crazy, right? Oh boy, what the heck is wrong with being a Christian? I'm truly sorry if trying to be a decent human being in some way offends you, but tough. I don't see what you mean about the bible being crap, if you actually bothered reading it you would find there are some very profound ideas in there. About dying, I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's better to be safe than sorry. If you're a Christian and nothing happens when you die, you're none the worse off, but if you're not a Christian and there is an afterlife, then chances are you'll be burning in Hell. If there is no afterlife, what possible benefits do you get from knowing this? Will your life be better? No, in fact, fear of death may just make your life more miserable. Will you be rewarded after you die? No, you'll just cease to exist, like every other being on the planet when it's life is extinguished. Being a Christian is a LOT more than just getting to go to heaven, if you would make the effort to read what Jesus taught, it's mainly about helping your fellow man. If more people focused on that, especially many so-called Christians who don't lift one finger for anybody else, don't you think the world would be a much better place than it is now? 0 Share this post Link to post
Chief Posted February 17, 2001 GBJacksonCGDC said: It's well accepted now that punishment (i.e spanking) is not the most effective method of correcting undesirable behaviours. Punishment only tells the child what not to do, not what they should be doing. In fact, punishment can actually increase the negative behaviour as it gives the child attention they may not have received before. Plus the child may end up resenting the parent. If spankings worked the miracles you claim, then everyone who went to jail would come out born again christians :-P BTW, stop using the forums to peddle Christian propaganda. No one wants to be 'saved'... "God is dead, and no one cares, If there is a hell, I will see you there." 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted February 17, 2001 Lüt said: Spanking is ok, I raised 2 kids, both seems to have reached adulthood with no hang-ups, I used to spank them when they got out of bed "to get it over with for the rest of the day" :) My daughter brings her son over for us to sit while she works 3 times a week, so obviously she has no hang-ups about how we raised her and trusts us to be part of raising her child My son talks to me about everything, altho he is going through a few issues with authority at moment, getting in trouble with police for minor issues, but at 19 it's to be expected, he has to define his bounderies and I can see his thought processes on these matters have changed slightly over the last month or so, he now actively seeks non confrontational ways of dealing with situations when the police are hasseling him Fingers crossed in 6 months he will have sorted himself out, he is doing a Bsc(hons) in computing and has settled himself into a routine Pardon the long post :) I only meant to mention the "spank em when they get out of bed" when I started but it kind of dragged on :) 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted February 17, 2001 geekmarine said:If you're a Christian and nothing happens when you die, you're none the worse off, but if you're not a Christian and there is an afterlife, then chances are you'll be burning in Hell I work on the premise that God will forgive if you repent, so I do what I want and intend to repent on my death bed :) This, unless I am hit by a bus, should see me ok in the afterlife :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Nodus Posted February 17, 2001 GBJacksonCGDC said: Wo hoh! I was hoping id get some responses like this! First off whats with all the sex talk? If I dont beleive in god im going to get HIV? I, for one, dont really care about sex that much, I think its just blown up to big the greatest thing ever in movies and shit. No I dont ever practice unprotected sex, pal, i dont know where you got that from. Second off, I WAS A CHRISTIAN. I have read the bible and I realized that all the beleiving and having faith crap was just a hopeless beleif. Why doesnt god speak back. If hes there he would do something wouldnt he? If you took more control of your life, other than hoping god would, maybe it would be so "difficult". About throwing punches? I take more shit from people than the average person does every day. Do I throw punches? No pal, I just sit there and ignore them. I know when someone isnt even worth the air to speak. "I find it to be more practical to believe in what you called a bunch of fairy tales than to walk blindly into the jaws of Hell, content in my own ignorance." Yes, thats what religion is all about, ignorance. If offending people is the only wway to makie them realize that all religion is doing is taking your money, or holding you back form what you could really be or do. If there even was a god, why would I want to thank him for creating me? And why would he want me to? He wouldve put us down here to live our lives, not thank him for giving us them. Hed probably be pissed off at us for wasting them, worshipping him. I am my own conciousness, I dont need anyone to tell me that I belong to someone else. And I am morally strong. I have a strong beleif in free will for one thing. And because of the feelings that "god" gave me, I have to question my existence. Dont think just because I think Christianity is a bunch of bullshit, that I am some reckless juvinile delinquent. Ive never broken a law, and I do just fine in school. I also respect the space of all people, and the thoughts of other free-willed people. What will praying to god do for you? Ensure you a little spot in heaven, where you can rot away for a second time? Everything comes to an end, religion is just scaring people. Scaring them for there money, scaring them for their loyalty. They are afraid of dying, because they are afraid of whats on the otherside. I wish they would just suck it up, and realize that there is nothing there besides an infinite void of darkness, where nothing is everything. Am I the only one in here that sees this? No support guys? Dont be afraid the insult the Jesus zombies, they wont harm your "unsaved souls". 0 Share this post Link to post
Phoenix Posted February 17, 2001 Hey Nodus, so you are a cool guy after all, don’t have leave for England. - God has spoken a long time ago. The people, the majority said: Kiss my ass, I do what I want. So God left us alone, to do our thing on earth. If you happy to live eighty years, and die, fine. If you want to live forever, think, think hard. There is no Hell. You simply die. God can’t be bothered with Hell, too much work. If you think Christianity is crap, well what can I say. You will not be open to a guy you think speaks from a shit hole. So I save my stinking breath. BTW Ignorance is a world wide phenomena, not limited to Christians or Athiest. Religion is meant to be scary. Only fools follow those leaders. I am no fool. I follow Jesus only, no buffer religion in the way. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest GBJacksonCGDC Posted February 17, 2001 Nodus said: Only one thing in your post requires a response from me. The rest was just the junk I expected... What does praying to God do? I'll tell you exactly what it can do, friend: On December 26th, my mother went into the hospital with severe chest pain. She was in the process of having her third heart attack. We got her there in time for them to stop the attack before it did any significant damage. The next day, they did some tests and discovered that she had 3 70% blockages and one 80% blockage. If left alone, then she would inevitably suffer a fatal heart attack. Bypass surger was the only option. On day three, she had the surgery. Now on top of having a heart condition, my mother is diabetic and has rheumatory arthritis. The medications she had been taking put her at extreme risk for a stroke, which we were all warned about. It happened. It took about four days for her to wake up after the surgery (which went just fine) because of the stroke. We were concerned, but not overly worried. But then things went south. Her blood pressure fell deathly low, and there were indications of an infection. The doctors couldn't do anything else. They were even discussing life support with us. We refused to believe that there was no hope, so we turned to Jesus. In the intensive care unit, we prayed over her, that God would heal her. We envoked God's word, specifically the verse where Jesus said "Whatsoever you ask in my name, that I will do." We asked for healing in His name, nad she was healed. Her vital signs returned to normal. Her arthritis was gone, and she began to recover. Coincidence? No. There have been other things that have happened to her since then. Her body not producing enough white blood cells, difficulty breathing, her digestive system refusing to work correctly. We prayed for each of these in turn, with the same strength of faith and confidence in Jesus, and they have all been taken care of. So don't you presume to tell me that my prayers are a waste of time. My whole family and the doctors and nurses at the hospital have seen the power of prayer. The thing is, we were all willing to accept whatever outcome was to happen. If God chose to take her on to Heaven, then we were ready to accept that it would have been His will, and that it was her time. We just put it in His hands. And he restored her. My mother's healing is not the only miracle that has come out of this. My family has drifted apart over the years. One of my sisters always seemed to resent our parents' advice (which eventually proved to be correct, and my sister knows it) and the other seemed to have some sort of holier-than-thou complex, especially towards me. This incident has brought us all closer than we have been in years. My family has been restored. Mom's constant arthritic pain is gone The surgery corrected the immediate problem with her heart Her stroke is receding All because we as a family humbled ourselves and prayed in total faith. Believe me, or don't believe me. It won't change the fact that it happened. And I am sorry that you chose to listent to the lies that Satan whispers to every Christian at one point. He's tried to whisper them to me, and he makes some very convincing points... However, simply looking around at the world and its complex order and clear design, common sense tells me that the design couldn't be there without a designer. People who listen to this lie are damning their immortal soul. One does not have to believe in Hell to go there. That's all I'm going to say. But I tell you all that my prayers are heard. Maybe yours were, too. I would suggest that you each think back on your life and about the close calls you've had. Ask yourself what might have happened had you not gotten that sudden urge to move, narrowly escaping serious injury. Or the time you may have been driving a long distance, and unknowingly dozed off behind the wheel and you hear a voice call your name, waking you up just in time to avoid running off the road. Surely each of you has had a point in your life where you should have gotten a lot worse than you did, but for some rationally unexplainable reason, you were spared it? Maybe you, too have had prayer answered. Once you've seen God at work, all doubts are gone in an instant. I doubted. But after what I saw God do for my mother, my faith went from that of a mustard seed moving a mountain to a mountain moving the world! The answer is in faith. In Christ, G. B. Jackson 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest GBJacksonCGDC Posted February 17, 2001 Phoenix said:Hey Nodus, so you are a cool guy after all, don’t have leave for England. - God has spoken a long time ago. The people, the majority said: Kiss my ass, I do what I want. So God left us alone, to do our thing on earth. If you happy to live eighty years, and die, fine. If you want to live forever, think, think hard. There is no Hell. You simply die. God can’t be bothered with Hell, too much work. If you think Christianity is crap, well what can I say. You will not be open to a guy you think speaks from a shit hole. So I save my stinking breath. BTW Ignorance is a world wide phenomena, not limited to Christians or Athiest. Religion is meant to be scary. Only fools follow those leaders. I am no fool. I follow Jesus only, no buffer religion in the way. Not quite the vocabulary I would have chosen to use, but you hit the nail head-on. I am a Christian. Not baptist, not Catholic, not [insert denomination here]. Christianity is not about religion. It's about a relationship. There's a difference between knowing Christianity and living it. Those who live it are the ones whom God has saved. Those who merely know it are going to miss heaven by a mere 18 inches (the average distance between the brain and the heart). People deny the truth all the time. But it doesn't make the truth go away or be less true. In Christ, G. B. Jackson 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest fraggle` Posted February 17, 2001 Nodus said:I wish all those christians would go back to england or something. Just a bunch of pansies that beleive in fairy tales because theyre afraid to die. The bibles a bunch of crap, when youre dead, youre dead. Its okay to pray to god, but if he talks back your crazy, right? > I wish all those christians would go back to england or > something. what kind of stupid comment is this? I am english and I resent your comments. You sir are a moron. 0 Share this post Link to post
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