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Doom Poster

Guest D|RE

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Guest D|RE

Does anyone know where i can get a Doom Poster. My friend has one from when the game came out i think. Please post any place you may know of that has them for sale, or places that you saw them. Or if you have one you want to sell. let me know.

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I have the poster that came with the game when Ultimate Doom was released. Jeez... was that 5-6 years ago? Time flies when you play Doom...

Oh. And I also have the Doom64 poster.

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Guest Stealthy Ivan

I have the poster from The Ultimate Doom and the poster from Master Levels for Doom2. I dont know if you could even still find them..!?

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Your name sounds like you have played the game "Damage Incorporated" - good taste! I played it on my Mac. It is the best "Marathon" clone after or with "ZPC"

The poster: One Doomer here recently asked for that poster (Ultimate Doom) and I scanned and retouched it. If you own a bubble jet printer or if you are willing to shop for a 46x70cm print (which certainly will be more expensive than buying a complete box on ebay) and if you are able to receive 6 MB attatchments - then I could send it to you per e-mail. The work is done, the poster is ready for print so it would be no more extra work for me. It is jpg and decompressed around 24 MB - compressed 6MB at highest quality/lowest compression rate. I guess a print would cost you $70.00, maybe more...

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Guest D|RE

Yeah, please send that to me, i have a Cable Connection, but I dont think we can do that Via E-mail. I would need to catch up to you on ICQ or IRC. or if i can find out when you are on, ill put up a FTP and you could up it to me. (this is assumming you dont mind). and if its no trouble could you send me the photoshop file. (because from there i can convedrt it to anything i want and not have to worry about loss of quality)


p.s. I have never played a game called "Damage Incorporated" actually never heard of it. but it sounds interesting.

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Vorpal said:

It's in the box when you buy the game.

Not on my DooM 1, DooM 2 and Final DooM box.
Why !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????

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I didnt get one in my Doom, Doom3, Final Doom, Doom64, Ultimate Doom, or master levels! Thats cheep! Oh wel...

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