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Scary Movies Nowadays...... suck!

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Is it just me, or are scary movies getting less scary? To me, I think the scary movies made back in 60's, 70's, and 80's are alot scary than the movies in the 90's and the present days. Hmm, let's see what's not scary... The Scream series, *snore...* boring! Ooh, a crazy perverted peeping-tom phone predator loser kills some stupid shits... big whoop! When the main character kills the phsyco, it's to be continued! What the fuck?!?! So let me guess, the Scream Guy has fans, so his number one fan wants to do what he did in Scream 1?!? What the hell is up with that? Ok, next "scary movie". Blair Witch Project, not scary at all! A low-budget film made by some college kids. What's so fucking scary about a witch??? I say the kids should have been carrying some guns while in that forest. If a cop stops them, they could just lie and say they were on a hunting trip. When the college kids see that Blair Witch loser, SHOOT IT!!!! Another one, Anaconda, (does this even qualify as a scary movie?) IT PROMOTES ANIMAL CRUELTY!!! Leave the damn snake alone! What's it every do to you, kill you're mom or something?!? Geez! Oh, I remember another 90's scary movie, Bride of Chucky, a new level of lameness... There were alot stuff in that movie that didn't make sense, such as the part where some fucking baby comes out of what's-her-face... HOW DOES A FUCKING DOLL GET PREGNANT?!? Could someone please tell me how this is possible! If I were in any scary movie, I'd get some combat gear (my choices: Kevlar Vest, Desert Eagle, Hk MP5, and 2 Micro Uzis, don't forget extra clips) and head out to kill the cowardly fuck myself. The people in those movies are SO FUCKING DUMB!!! All they (the girls mostly) do is look pretty and scream and die and other shit. They oughta fight back against those crazy shitheads. If they would have been smart enough to bring a weapon, they wouldn't have died! I bet you're wondering why I'm rambling about this aren't you? My reason is because I'm sick of seeing the same old thing. "Some hot chick or some dumbass guy gets killed by some freak. OH NO! The town is in panic. Some more killings happen, OH NO! The town is even more paranoid. Some people go out and hunt the bastard down. Either that or people try to find clues of why this is happening... More people die, main characters find more clues... blah blah blah more shit happens. They find out the killer is someone that you least suspect or if you're talking about a movie like The Excorcist or something like it, they kill the demon with some fancy crap spell or a giant bomb or something. THE END, or TO BE CONTIUED."
BORING!!!! I wish scary movies were actually scary nowadays, like in the good ol' days...

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IMJack said:

Tips for Survival in case you ever find yourself in a horror movie.

And your "they should've had a gun" thing... disturbs me somehow. Don't ask me why.

Well, how do you think the Scream guy dies? Someone shot him! So that's why I said everyone should have gun, or if you're not old enough to get a gun or it's illegal to own a gun without a lisence in your area, get a tazer. If that's illegal, then your screwed! Oh, and that Survival Thing is kinda funny, like this rule for example:

23. Never stand in, on, above, below, beside, or near a grave, tomb, crypt, mausoleum, etc. (No shit, I don't think anyone would like it if someone steps, sleeps, shits, or pisses or etc. on his or her grave?)

or this one...

34. Don't play with Ouija boards. If you do and the ouija board starts moving by itself, stop playing and leave immediately. (What's the deal with those things? They're so useless)

Now I have a new question from reading that thing...
What movies did the following places come from? Amityville, Niblog, Mydian, and Questa Verde?

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Lizardcommando said:

Now I have a new question from reading that thing...
What movies did the following places come from? Amityville, Niblog, Mydian, and Questa Verde?

Amityville is from the Amityville Horror series. "Niblog" is "Goblin" spelled backwards. The others...? I just don't watch that many horror flicks, sorry.

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What the fuck?!?! So let me guess, the Scream Guy has fans, so his number one fan wants to do what he did in Scream 1?!?

Heh, there are TWO scream guys in Scream 1 :) There are also two scream "guys" in Scream 2. One is the mother of one of the Scream 1 scream guys, who wants revenge, and the other is some psycho she met in an internet chatroom ;)

There's one Scream guy in Scream 3, who turns out to be the main character's half-brother, and was secretly controlling/helping the four previous scream guys. Although the films' creators have explicity stated that there won't be a Scream 4, the ending of Scream 3 is blatantly open for a Halloween H20 style "several years later..." sequel, maybe one where the killer turns out to be the main character or something, which would actually be quite an original thing to do.

HOW DOES A FUCKING DOLL GET PREGNANT?!? Could someone please tell me how this is possible!

You're missing the more obvious question. How does a doll even walk or talk? (well, you've got those pull cord things, but that's besides the point)

I'd get some combat gear (my choices: Kevlar Vest, Desert Eagle, Hk MP5, and 2 Micro Uzis, don't forget extra clips) and head out to kill the cowardly fuck myself.

In Scream 1, most of the characters are a bunch of school kids. How are they going to get hold of guns? In Scream 2, they're in the middle of a college campus for most of the film, so the same question arises. In Scream 3, the main character DOES get hold of a gun and a kevlar vest :)

Some people go out and hunt the bastard down. Either that or people try to find clues of why this is happening... More people die, main characters find more clues...

The main character doesn't do either of these things in the first two Scream films. Okay, so Gail Weathers (and her cameramen, different one in both films) does, but she's a journalist, and that's her job. And a journalist with a gun? That goes against the journalistic code :) Obviously the police are after the guy as well (in all three films in fact), and they do indeed have weapons, which they certainly aren't afraid to use.

In Scream 1 most of the people get killed at a party some guys are stupidly holding despite a town wide curfew. In Scream 2, Sydney, the main character enters witness protection after the killing starts, but as she's being driven away in a squad car, they're forced to stop a some traffic lights, and one of the scream guys turns up and kills the two cops.

Only in Scream 3 do the main characters actually try to find the killer, but it's only because most of them are so f**king pissed off and want to try to end it once and for all.

By the way, you do realise that the Scream films are partial spoofs (seriously) of scary movies in general, right? :) When I went to see Scream 3, the audience were cracking themselves up in the final bit where they all keep repeatedly splitting up in a giant mansion while the killer deals with them one by one.

Anyway, a few 90's movies that are IMHO quite scary: Event Horizon, Pitch Black, Pokemon the Movie, Stigmata (especially if you're quite religious) and The Ninth Gate (ditto). One of these is a lie.

And 80's "scary" movies are actually scary? Hahahaha! That's a good one! :)

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If you're dumb enough to bring a DE in a combat situation, you deserve to die, whether in a movie or in RL :)

As for horror movies, I don't think that there have been too many decent spooky ones. That's because we're seeing the person who it's happening to and we usually can see or guess (since scary movies are SO predictable, especially what the idiots in the movies do) what's going to happen. We may jump at a few parts, but we won't really be scared.

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The only movie that actually scared me was Event Horizon... shit it gave me nightmares....

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Event Horizon was a very good movie in its own little way. Probably my favorite "horror" movie even though there isn't anything really special about it.

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Livo said:

If you're dumb enough to bring a DE in a combat situation, you deserve to die, whether in a movie or in RL :)

But those guns are powerful. That's why I'd bring one of those. But I'll want to listen to your advice, so the I guess a Glock will have to do. :)

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Heh, Evil Dead and Army of Darkness own.

And Lizardcommando, please learn to use the enter key, it's really obnoxious to try to read a page-long paragraph.

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Haha...if you want a REEEAALLLLLLY scary movie, go watch Spookies :)
The last good scary movie I saw was Thir13ten Ghosts. I thought it kicked ass, other hate it. Oh well.

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Army of Darkness kicks arse...
Alien, Aliens and Alien3 were absolutely excellent. Alien Res', on the other hand...
Event Horizon is, indeed, shit scary. Very doom-ish, in fact (gateways 'n' demons, etc)...
Pitch Black - very good sci-fi horror...
Hellraiser Series... heh... hooks...

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the problem is we have seen so much that we have become jaded. the only movie that ever really scared me was john carpenters version of the thing. that was when I was 10. but horror had its time in the 70's and 80's, IMO. its like a lost art.

and to answer the question about chucky. in all the movies they explain how the human soul moves into the dolls body and animates it. this is based on old folk legends. in the movie, the doll body begins to become real, growing organs, producing blood, and the like. that is why he needs to get a new human body, cuz if the doll becomes completely real he will be trapped in it. so the bride of chucky obviously grew a uterus and falopian tubes. the had sex so she has an opening for it to come out. does that explain it well enough lizardcommando?

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Spike said:

Army of Darkness kicks arse...
Alien, Aliens and Alien3 were absolutely excellent. Alien Res', on the other hand...
Event Horizon is, indeed, shit scary. Very doom-ish, in fact (gateways 'n' demons, etc)...
Pitch Black - very good sci-fi horror...
Hellraiser Series... heh... hooks...

Aliens is my favorite movie of all time, it rocks.

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Archvile64 said:

Heh, Evil Dead and Army of Darkness own.

And Lizardcommando, please learn to use the enter key, it's really obnoxious to try to read a page-long paragraph.

ok :)

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Haha, I remember in Bride of chucky it was like (not exactly...)
When they were about to have sex, the girl was like "shouldn't you put on your plastic", and Chucky's like "I'm made of fucking plastic!" Ahhh, good stuff :)

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I haven't seen it yet, but i thought 'Fire walk...' was a twin-peaks spin off - i wouldn't have thought it was a horror film.

Arch-Vile - hell yeah, Aliens is absolute class.

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Spike said:

I haven't seen it yet, but i thought 'Fire walk...' was a twin-peaks spin off - i wouldn't have thought it was a horror film.

Arch-Vile - hell yeah, Aliens is absolute class.

Twin Peaks (series) is incredibly scary as well, so...

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Twin Peaks? You mean the TV series by David Lynch? WTF?

Err...anyway, I was going to make a list of good scary movies, but you guys kinda already listed most of them. Oh well:

The Thing (John Carpenter's version)
Hellraiser 1-4 (Not really scary, but pretty damn cool)
Evil Dead 1 + 2

Then there is 12 Monkeys which is scary in a kind of defeatist sense. Doesn't really fit the list, I just really like it. :)

Event Horizon was just kind of shocking, not really scary at all, Pitch Black was just an excuse not to hire any lighting technichians, and Scream just flat out sucks. Thirteen Ghosts was lame. I liked the guy from SLC Punk, his character, and the makeup and design for the ghosts, but that was it. The rest sucked.

Honerable mention goes to Devil's Advocate for giving me a 'not so good' feeling, but it wasn't really frightening.

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the_Danarchist said:

Twin Peaks? You mean the TV series by David Lynch? WTF?

uh...huh. Did you even watch it? (all 29 episodes + pilot)

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Some parts of Rose Red was prety scary IMO. Yeah, it makes me wonder if they'll ever make another really scary movie. All they know how to do these days is sling a bunch of blood and gore at the screen.

Hollywood blows...

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Shaviro said:

uh...huh. Did you even watch it? (all 29 episodes + pilot)

No, I was a bit young to be watching it when it was on, but my dad always watched it. I can still remember the theme song...heh. I really want to see it, but they never show it on TV and I can't find videos for it anywhere.

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the_Danarchist said:

No, I was a bit young to be watching it when it was on, but my dad always watched it. I can still remember the theme song...heh. I really want to see it, but they never show it on TV and I can't find videos for it anywhere.

try amazon. It's my favorite series :D

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