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To that esco guy


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MOST important point of this post: as well as learning to write properly, can you please learn to read properly as well? Thanks. You've repeatedly misconstrued what I've said. Maybe it was deliberate, but I'm afraid I don't credit you with that much intelligence.

<< and I have not said anything negative against homo-sexuals (they are not called queers, ya f*ckin racist!). >>

I never said there's anything wrong with being gay, and I never said that you implied there's anything wrong with it either. I said that if you're having doubts over your sexuality, as you appear to be (obviously you don't know much about Freudian theories if you can't see your obvious interest in the subject), just let everyone know.

I happen to have a friend who's gay, and a couple of others who are bisexual, and while we're on the subject, one of my best friends is black, and another is Indian (that's Indian Indian, not Native American). I've got photographic evidence if you don't believe me.

Oh, and there's also nothing wrong with the word "queer", gay people themselves use it. If you think that the word "queer" is being racist, that must mean you think homosexuals are entirely different race altogether from hetrosexuals. Now that is EXTREMELY prejudiced, and also, once again, extremely hypocritical .

<< And you must be interested in what I gots in mah pants, because you remember what I said so well. >>

Umm, hello? Duh? The reference to your penis was to ME, fool. It was in the freaking post I was replying to, so of course I'm going to remember it ("I got yo wanka right here in mah pants, biatch!").

Also, you say there's nothing wrong with being gay and then use being gay as an insult. Twice. Mate, I've never seen such a hypocritical basrad as yourself.

<< As for da way I write... I ain't gonna make myself out to be somethin' else in life that I ain't just to please you and a few other hoes, like yoself. If ya don't like it...LEAVE, cause I ain't goin nowhere. >>

Until you're banned, that is (which will hopefully be very soon).

I have said in my previous post that I have no problem with your lifestyle, how you speak, etc. What I do have a problem with is how you WRITE. For god's sakes write normally. You say you're not trying to impress anyone. To that I say: bollocks.

Anyway, being at university I know people with a huge variety of accents (cockney, Northern Irish, Welsh, RP, Yorkshire, Scottish, geordi, Liverpudlian, Manchesterian, etc), and while they all may TALK very different, they all WRITE the same. Writing the crap that you do just reeks of either a poor education (if in fact you had one at all) or just trying to impress every one (and failing).

Actually, did you go to school at all? If so, and to reply to something you said earlier, I'd have thought that you'd know that it's the people who DO have minds that get beaten up, not the other way around, as you said.

<< If 600 people in my state hated me, that would still only be
about 1/10000000th of the population, which is an insignificant number, if ya asks me. >>

Umm, explain the relevance to me please? Anyone could say this.

<< because people like me are gonna take over yo shit eventually, and leave ya'll in da f*ckin dust. Chew on dat for a while, mothaf*cka! >>

I don't quite know what the hell you're talking about, but someone who writes like you do doesn't really stand much chance of getting a skilled job, as in skilled jobs you have to write stuff in plain English, and I don't think you're capable of that.

And if you can't get a skilled job, the likelihood that you're going to take over anything is pretty much nill.

<< Eminem and me ain't nothin' alike, but of course I don't expect you ta undastand that, cause you is probably used to people that act and talk like me f*ckin wit ya. Well dat be yo hangup...get over it. >>

I said you speak LIKE Eminem (i.e. you're tring to imitate his accent), I never said you think and say the same things as him, although I wouldn't be suprised if you did. And why the heck do you keep saying "y'all"? That's something Rednecks say, not "boyz from da hood".

And no I'm not used to people that act and talk like you "f*ckin wit me". I think you need to understand that, amazing as it seems, not everyone in the world is American. I am what is called "English", so I think you'll agree that the number of people who speak with supposedly Brooklyn accents who I know in real life is very low. Zero, in fact.

<< Go fuck ya self, ya prejudiced mothaf*cka! >>

Please give at least one quote as an example of me being prejudiced. Saying something like "why da fuck should I, yo fool?" will just let me know that you're just speaking bollocks and are incapable of backing up what you're saying.

I'm only prejudiced against people like yourself who try to be something they're not. Not only is it annoying to other people, but it is extremely insulting and possibly even racist to the REAL group you're trying to immitate.

<< cause you can't even seem to write more than one tiny paragraph >>

Shouldn't that be "caus yo can't seem ta write more dan one tiny paragraph, you motha lovin fool!" ?

Writing short paragraphs is what's called good English. It means that people can actually read what you've written quickly and easily instead of having to re-read lines because their eyes keep skipping, as tends to happen.

Before you say it's bollocks, as I studied English Language at colllege, and am currently doing a Journalism degree at university, I think I know what I'm talking about. Go read a good book if you don't believe me. You know, one without pictures.

You could also read a newspaper to see what I mean, but then one of "yo hommies" might see you and get the rest of "yo buds" to ass rape you for actually showing signs of intelligence...

<< just cause ya'll can't be what you wants ta be, don't mean that I'm as full of shit as you are. >>

You're trying to be something you're not. The rest of are simply being what we are. Who's full of shit again?

<< As ya'll notice I usually * out a letter in every fowl word I use, so if any children be readin this, they ain't gots to see no fowl language. >>

The under 18's on Doomworld (such as yourself, and don't try telling me you're not, 'caus there's no way in hell you're an adult) do far more swearing than the over 18's.

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Guest Nodus

Sometimes I feel like Im the last TRUELY white guy on earth.
o well..

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You gots to be shittin' me, how da hell would you know anything about the way "people like me" talk or act? And by da way, what da f*ck is up with you and bollocks, ya english prick! HA, HA, HA, HAAAAAA, you have gots to be da funniest lil b*tch dat I eva met, and got a rise out of! I write about 5 pages worth of cutdowns on you, and because you write one, now yo dumb *ss feels like you da man. HA, HA, HAH, and as for my age, I happen to be almost 22 years old, ya b*tch! An, I don't give a f*ck if younger people cuss a lot more or not, I sure as hell don't want this board gettin' shut down because some old b*tch sees it and starts whinin' to someone who cares (believe it or not, I have seen it happen before) because there is mad fowl language on here. As for me being banned, ya just don't get it, don't no one (least of all me) give a f*ck what yo punk *ss thinks! You can b*tch till the end of time, and I'd still be here. In fact, if ya wants to get technical, you took da first shot, so you would be da one to get kicked to da curb. I like the way I talk, and since people can't hear my voice on da board, at least they can read mah words and see where my heart is at. I know where yo heart is at.... inside yo f*ckin' c*nt, ya p*ssy! Anyways though, yo punk *ss has begun to bore me, so unfortunately I'm probably just gonna ignore ya (unless you can show me that you gots some heart, and then maybe I'll take the time to show ya how to cut someone down on da real). So have fun and get used ta seein me around, cuz there ain't a dang thing you can do about it. And that's the best way I can think of tellin' ya to go F*CK YOSELF! Enjoy yo teatime, hoe!

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Guest ZarcyB

Excuse me... but what the fuck did you just say? Try translating it into English next time if you want to get your point across. Not that anybody cares, really. ^_^

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Guest ZarcyB

British people rule, but so do American people, and as do all people from around the world. It's just esco here who is a complete fucking wanker. ^_^

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esco said:

I'm not a perfect bilingual and when you write like this shit, i can't completly know whats you want to said. Some and many times.
Nobody here talk as you does.

Try to write properly, many DooMers here aren't speaking the same language as you !

Why don't you ake the time to to write correctly ??? not by using your stupid : ya fucka ..... and other shit that trown of of your stupid mouth !

Did that will be interesting if i always another language in those forum and you can't understand it ??? Right ?

We take the time to right, so take them too !
If you will, well other will want to talk with you !

Anothers DooMers talked like your since a long time ! Now he talk properly and we are understand him.

"Comprends-tu se que je dis en se moment ? non je pense pas à moins que tu saches le français mais bon !, MRD :)"

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ZarcyB said:

British people rule, but so do American people, and as do all people from around the world. It's just esco here who is a complete fucking wanker. ^_^


But hold on my friend shouden't you *** those swear words?
Only if your esco...

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Guest Nodus
esco said:

I really dont like you and Ill tell you why - I know many people like you,in fact almost the whole male population of my school is like you. Youre like those little angry white kids that tries to act black and always has a chip on there shoulder.

The only reason you do this is because your easily influenced by tv due to your truly low self esteem, and this is the way it tells you to behave, mostly mtv, which also causes you to attack people like you have just done above. For some reason you think you become a better person by insulting others, when all you really do is just make more people angry.

I never really understood this "fuckin wit ya" concept. Im not even sure what it means. Perhaps If you went out and made some friends, maybe a girlfriend or somehting. You might be focusing your sexual frustrations into this board, I dont know.

Im sure no ones going to back you up on this one.

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esco said:

I've seen many a net insulting sessions in my time, and usually when someone comes back with a post like that (specially that "I'm getting bored" bit) it shows you don't have any real comeback at all and have been totally out-classed by the other person.
More detail? OK

Well, isn't that just a brilliant way of starting off? Laughing at someone elses valid points because your brain is too small to comprehend them properly.
- "I write about 5 pages worth of cutdowns on you, and because you write one, now yo dumb *ss feels like you da man."
How many of those pages used the word "bitch" or "hoe" at least once per line?
- "An, I don't give a f*ck if younger people cuss a lot more or not"
Well there's a big admission of defeat. Further, if some old "b*tch" saw all the language and started complaining, there'd probably be only a handful of people left on the board by now... The moderators DO actively take a part in the board after all.
- "You can b*tch till the end of time, and I'd still be here."
Not if enough people complain to the moderators.
- "...you took da first shot, so you would be da one to get kicked to da curb."
That doesn't appear to be happening here, what with you admitting defeat and all.
- "I like the way I talk, and since people can't hear my voice on da board, at least they can read mah words and see where my heart is at."
Not many other people like the way you talk though, and to further enhance the post from X-DOOM, there are people out there trying to learn english not eassieede homie speek knowhaisayin? (Yes I am mocking that accent if you can't work it out.) If you have to say something everyone needs to hear, try saying it in normal English so everyone can understand it.
- "Anyways though, yo punk *ss has begun to bore me, so unfortunately I'm probably just gonna ignore ya"
What, so you don't have to be confronted with perfectly valid points that don't involve calling you a bitch or hoe or something similar?

'nuff said?

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