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as i look at all the post's about esco


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ok,y is every one now hating him and/ or tring to get him to speak english, by the way that is english and its pritty esay to understand what he is saying...plus if he spoke normally then it just be to wierd i mean his slang is cool. i cant rilly imagin him with out it...

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Yeah man, you wanna talk about not being able to read, what about masterhassen's posts?(Nothing personal masterhassen I ain't got nothing agaisnt you or anything but just using you as an example, noharm intended) He doesn't spell most hings right does he? But do you make fun of him? No. I mean masterhassen is cool, and if he wants to type the way he does thats fine, hell its fuggin hilarious, and I think its cool, But you guys have a prob with some guy using slang? God, don't you people have anything better to do than pick on some guy who put a lot of generosity and spirit into this forum, not to mention gave out doom64 sounds which he worked hard on just for you guys? I thought you people were better than this. LAY OFF THE GUY AND LET HIM BE! Isn't it the right of every individual to be unique and different? Well? Explain to me why he sucks just for typing slang?

By the way I'm 14 years-old and I don't go on like you guys do on some stupid pointless thing like you guys are doing.

So please stop coming down on this guy ok?

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esco is as cool as deadnail. Ling should make him a forum moderator!


*Dodges barrage of thrown objects*

I get no respect around here. =P

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Guest pickle_hammer

But it's fun to make fun of retards!!!

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Guest Nodus

I am not picking at his use of slang, Im trying to get it across to him that by using slang many people will not understand him. Its not that hes different, its just that I do not UNDERSTAND WHAT HE IS TYPING. The message is there, But I dont know the language. Again - not picking on him, asking him to type in "common tongue".

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