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how you got started


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well here is a good old question for us long time and new doomers. how did u become a doom fan and when did u first see the game.

here is my story. IN early 1993 my mom got a new computer it was a 486/88mhz with 8 mb ram and a svga card. well at first we had no games but then 2 weks later she gave us a disk that said Doom: episode1 knee deep in the dead, cd-rom version. there was no sound at first because i did not know how to put the game on the hard drive. The game blew me away i jumped out of my seat when i saw the first imp. then 3 days later we got the sound and with the fact that the computer was in the dark basement made it even more creepy. i got chills when i hear the grnt of the imp, the best sound effect in the game i think. well i feel in love with the game and it took me a month to beat the episoode, one week on the 2 scary barons of hell. A year later i got doom2 but not the first doom, still only had shareware. i did not get doom1 until 1995. well that is my doom story so what is yours. i recently got a copy of doom1, before ultimate doom still sealed up, and doom2 as collectors items.

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It was either Christmas or Thanksgiving somewhere in 1993-1994 area and I was about 2 hours away from home at my aunt's house and my cousin was there with his laptop and he showed me Doom and I spent from like 4 in the afternoon to 12 at night beating it. I finished right before I left. The display sucked and there were only PC speaker sounds but it was great. I got stuck in E1M3, after you pick up the key and the lights go out. Somehow I couldn't find my way out of that room with either the map or just walking against all the walls. I spent like 30 minutes in there before I decided to start Episode 2. So I beat Episode 2, Episode 3 and then Episode 1 in that order. I still liked it. We didn't have a computer at home but when we finally got our Pentium 90 later that year I began all my crap and have been here since.

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Guest Aradiel

I got started in mid 1993, when my friend got a 486/66 preloaded with all sorts of nifty games. I came over to his house after hearing he got a new computer, and he was playing this wicked game where, instead of previous games I had seen, you look at the game through the hero's eyes, and see his gun.
Then I saw the blood and guts :) I was... jeeze, about 6 or 7 at the time, but once I saw how when the imp gets killed (the blood coming out of his face and stomach) I was instantly hooked.
Although I didn't really get into it heavily until I got my Pentium 90. We spent all the recesses at school talking about Doom :)

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Hi, my name's GooberMan, and I'm a Doom-a-holic.
I had heard about Doom before the family got its first IBM compatible. One of my friends was telling me that it was the goriest game ever made. We finally got a 486 in August 1994. It came with some shareware games, namely Corridor 7 (crap, but I loved the demo at the time) and Blake Stone. A couple of days later, father got Doom shareware. I've been an addict ever since.

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I remember fondly my first night of Doom. Let me spin you the tale.

It was a cold, winter night in 1994. I never had my new 486 computer until that night. I was playing Donkey Kong Country (it just came out), and I just got to the final boss. Suddenly I got a call that my computer was assembled and dropped the game right there. I waited for months just to get a glimpse of Doom, and the shareware version was on the computer when I got it. (Remember when companies actually put shareware games and custom menus on brand new computers? Ah... those were the days.) Needless to say, I never beat Donkey Kong Country to this day and I've been playing Doom ever since. I love happy endings.

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I remember that we had an old B/W Compaq laptop which had the full version of Wolfenstien (All 6 episodes) and shareware doom

I loved Doom from there (Even without color and having to use PC speaker) and when I heard they put it on SNES i literally pissed in my pants (Hey, like most 10 year olds back in 1993, i was obsessed with Nintendo) I saw it and i was like "Whoa this is really cool"

A few years later (1995) we bought our first Desktop Computer along with Warcraft 2 and Doom 2. Doom 2 made me piss in my pants again (Sorry for being so disgusting, but unfortunitly this is all true)

Later on in 1997-98 i got a laptop for School work and I found ZDOOM and several Doom TCS and since then I have loved Doom to this day!!!

Doom life: Since 1993

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