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ok... here's the deally with the doom 64 mp3s


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Ok.. here's what's happenning. I just finished recording level 01, staging area (in other words I just started on Doom 64). The track's 17 minutes long! If the other tracks are that long, that could be some long downloads. What I wanna know is, would you like the whole tracks on the site (I will keep the entire track, I'm too anal to settle for anything less) or shorter tracks or both. And the quality will be awesome. Just as awesome as the PSX ones I uploaded last night.

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hey, once again i must ask you how do you get on to these sites! I've Used netscape and IE and i cant get it to work.

Please try to tell me how to get there

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I just tested it out with my Internet Explorer 5.5. The address is EXACTLY this:


That should work. Let me know if it does or not. If it doesn't let me know what error you get. I would like as many people to enjoy these files as possible.

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Are you trying to record the Doom64 music to mp3 or something?
That's already been done. However, the page where the mp3s were located (http://doom64.freeservers.com) is gone.
Before that happened, I downloaded most of the songs, so if you want, I can post them on my Demongate page and you can get them from there.

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I downloaded those already. The songs aren't even complete. And the quality sucks. Those MP3s are on my ftp. I'm ripping them to get the full things. By the way, just recorded level 02 terraformer. 17 mins 33 seconds without looping. Long!

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Damn! That's long. Are you sure it's not looping at all?
It's kind of hard to tell when the songs are ambient noise, you might be missing the loop or something.

I personally had no problem with the quality of the other mp3s, plus 4 or 5 minute songs are better to fill up a CD with than 17 minute ones. I burned a CD with the mp3s I have. I listen to it as I fall asleep sometimes, it'll mess with your head, man...

By the way, what's the file size on those?

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on the ones I'm making? they'll be at 128 kb/s. by the way, i gave up on level 3... 1/2 hour and no repeats, A LOT of ambient noise and a basic beat.... maybe I can do some creative editing.
the songs are pretty repetitive, and not as interesting as the psx doom ones. there is looping, but just a few secs over and over, but no looping of the entire track. I'm still working on them, but my guess, and this is a guess, is 8-12 mins per song. So about 10 megs a peice. Just like the PSX Doom ones. I'll let you all know the final verdict within a few days. Possibly on the weekend. We'll see how insane the songs get.

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Yo man, maybe you should try an do both. Like I told ya some of the tunes are either really long, or they might be looping back to da middle of the song (a lot of games have music that does this. For example.. on N64 starfox64's music does it. Try the soundtest if ya gots da game and see for yoself).

As for what I think you should do, why don't ya put up da whole song, AND yo edited versions. Personally, I DEFINATELY want da whole song, but some other people might not want to waste as much time as me. I may have a 56k modem, but in my opinion getting da whole song would definately be worth da wait!

Anyways, it's yo call but I really would like to get my tan hands on da whole tracks themselves. But believe me, gettin' them ain't easy (hence why I stopped tryin' myself. That... and the fact that the dang recordin' option on windows won't work anymore! AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!).

Anyways, either way, you is doin' some seriously tight work yo (how come I'm the only person sayin' this? Come on people show some gratitude up in here), so keep doin' yo thang!

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well, I know for sure that levels 1 and 2 have definite ends and that they're completetly different all the way through. level 3, though, i will have to edit. i recorded a half hour and it keeps playing the same sounds. probably like you said about looping from the middle. i'm working on it now. i have the n64 until monday so i have lots of time to do all the tracks. thanks for the support. of all of the people i see download from me, the only responses so far i have heard are from you (esco) and King Elvis. Come on people! let me know what you think of the "Awesome Quality" MP3s! Do you like them? have any suggestions?

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Hell if the music is that damn long, burn em onto a cd or something and have a friggin mailorder to get the music. Doom64's music was fuckin scarey and really added to the atmosphere of the game, besids, a 17 minute mp3 file is not worth the download, loop those suckers into 3 or 4 minute twists for any freeloaders who want to download em but don't want to full thing.

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elbryan42 said:

I just tested it out with my Internet Explorer 5.5. The address is EXACTLY this:


That should work. Let me know if it does or not. If it doesn't let me know what error you get. I would like as many people to enjoy these files as possible.

hey! I can get to the site but when i try to download music (From Doom 64) it says cannot display page

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yeah doom 64 music is creepy as hell and i love it,some are just remixs from the PSX doom and final doom,but that dont matter.
Im curious,is there anywhere you can download doom 64 music,please reply as soon as possible and no smart ass reply or i'll frag you in a death match or something.

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