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download Doom 2??

Guest curious

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Guest curious

I was just curious if anybody out there knew of a site that you could download the full version of Doom 2 from. Thanks for any replies.

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Jon said:

Funnily enough I came across it the other day.

Funnily enough i work with someone who has a site with every doom game.

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elbryan42 said:

THAT would be piracy. That is not what we do here.

You know, there IS an easy way to get all of them. It requires the shareware Quake CD, that's all I'm saying. Good luck finding one, they're hard to come by.

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Ralphis said:

Funnily enough i work with someone who has a site with every doom game.

Funnily enough he "doesn't have" it.

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Guest Dream Destroyer
elbryan42 said:

You know, there IS an easy way to get all of them. It requires the shareware Quake CD, that's all I'm saying. Good luck finding one, they're hard to come by.


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I am a proud owner of 2 shareware quake cds. you know, for network games. want one, want one? NO! BAD PIRATER. STAND IN THE CORNER!

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Guest nateness

All you really need is a source port (available from this website) plus the various Doom IWADS (doom.wad, doom2.wad, tnt.wad, plutonia.wad, etc.).

If you are having trouble tracking these down, then don't bother coming back to ask for them because I doubt anyone will give them to you here. Ask your question again in news://alt.games.doom and I am almost certain you'll get what you want (a guy recently posted a link to all four of those files, and seems to do this often).

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1) go to www.idsoftware.com

2) download the game you want (it's encrypted of course)

3) phone up ID

4) give them your credit card details

5) type in the code they give you in the un-encryption program

6) play the game

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Offering or asking for warez usually will result in your account/post being deleted. You've been warned.

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1) go to www.idsoftware.com

2) download the game you want (it's encrypted of course)

3) phone up ID

4) give them your credit card details

5) type in the code they give you in the un-encryption program

6) play the game

Or you could go to a computer store (like Radio Shack) and look in the bargain bin. Chances are it's in there for 5 bucks.

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Mordeth said:

Offering or asking for warez usually will result in your account/post being deleted. You've been warned.

hay this is the first time ive seen you in here and ive been here only 4 mounths

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Mordeth said:

Offering or asking for warez usually will result in your account/post being deleted. You've been warned.

Hey Mordeth !!! :) :)

Long time no see ;)

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