esco Posted March 1, 2001 Yo, yo, I just went back to the immoral conduct page and tried to email ya'll (I used my own email server not the link), but when I sent the page to the address at da link it came back user unknown! If ya'll sees this message, I was emailing you guys to see if you have copies of the doom 64 graphics BEFORE you put them in da wad! The reason I ask is because the doom palette basically rapes doom 64's graphics! I was gonna take the graphics out of da wad, but I need the original ones, they look much better! If you guys see this, post a reply and let me know wuzzup, please. Because I wanted to know if ya'll would be willin' to send out a copy of them graphics to me, or post them up on a site or somethin! Elbryan42 has been postin mad stuff on his ftp, maybe he wouldn't mind doin' it.(what do ya say elbryan? Let me know if dat's straight wit you.) If he doesn't wanna post it, you could always email me a copy, and I'd be happy as fuck! OH and GOREFEST.. IF ya sees this, you can post a reply to my email here if it's easier for ya. It would probably be faster than emailing back and forth anyway. Plus I don't check my email dat much, and I'll be checkin' back and forth here all day! Peace ya'll! 0 Share this post Link to post
elbryan42 Posted March 1, 2001 sure. no problem. might as well make the ftp a console doom thing. i already have the console sounds and redemption denied, so why not? if you'd like to upload them to me, just email me and i'll send you an upload account. thanks in advance. oh, and a suggestion. if you're gonna replace the enemy sprites please don't replace the zombie ones. one, they're gay. two, i like to know the difference between the shotgun guy, and the former humans. that's one of my main gripes of doom 64! that, and the control sucks. you turn too slow! a tc is a good idea for this reason. 0 Share this post Link to post
skadoomer Posted March 1, 2001 so replace the colors! just import a new colormap file with the doom 64 pallatte (if that can be done) if now, e-mail fantastic and he'll put in the good word to the people making edge to add in a feature like they do for all of his q-doom stuff. bah 0 Share this post Link to post
esco Posted March 1, 2001 Yo, on da real, dat wouldn't work! As far as I know once the graphics have been converted, it would be hell changin' them back, and very time consuming to make them perfect. It would be much, much easier if I just had da graphics before they got changed! As for doom 64, it DOES NOT use a 256 color palette, it uses high color (as far as I know, there are WAY too many colors for it to be limited to 256). UNLESS, of course, each gfx has it's own unique palette. I know that somehow in quake2, their is a palette in their, but there is ways to add new graphics WITH new colors, and it won't get f'ed up! If anyone has any info on this, post it up here, because it would be very useful. In the near future I am thinking of trying to get rid of that piece of shit, fucked up, "palette limitation" that doom has (it makes me so freakin' mad, I swear yo!), but that's gonna take some serious code work, and I'll proably use either the edge or zdoom coding, NOT the original doom or doom 2 source! 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest c-d-w Posted March 1, 2001 the e-mail addresses on the site are fine, they both work. As for the doom64 sprites, 2 things. In doom64, they're Hi-res, and rendered in openGL. Converting them to Doom's crappy 256 pallete, and lo-res was a problem, but hey.. What do you plan on using the sprites for, if I may ask? 0 Share this post Link to post
esco Posted March 2, 2001 I know what you're sayin about the gfx, but I didn't quite know how to write it down and get mah point across(thanks for helpin' wit dat!). As fo what I will use them for, simple, I intend on either a) be makin 3d models with those skins or b)reprogramming the zdoom or edge code, so that sprites can either be hi-res (like doom 64), or each have their own unique palette (I think quake 2 has something like this, but I ain't sure how it works!). Either one of the above tasks would take a while, but 3d models would take much longer because I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO MAKE 3D MODELS FROM SCRATCH! It would take a while to learn, but it would be mad fun too. I also figure dat if it's ok wit ya'll, I would get them posted on elbryan42's ftp, so everyone else in da community could use them too (hey, I sure as fuck ain't greedy!). Let me know what ya think, peace out! 0 Share this post Link to post
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