nightmare imp Posted March 1, 2001 I need help on how to get across the cube lava pit on the last map of final doom tnt,its called "last call"I died when I used the cubes by telefrag,so I use the no clip mode,i know its an act of a wimp but dammit! So if anyone knows just post it up. 0 Share this post Link to post
esco Posted March 1, 2001 Yo, I got you dawg. The pattern is shown right in da beginning of da stage. In the room where you start there are a bunch of fire torches. There is a pattern of them, da pattern goes: Red, green, green, blue,green, blue, green, blue, green, green, red, blue, red, blue. If you look on da squares outside they have different colored lamps on them. First step on da red one, then look around for the platform near you dat has a green one. Then green again, then blue, yada, yada, etc, etc. Get the hint! ;) P.S. if anyone is wonderin', the reason you get fragged for steppin' on da wrong one, is because it teleports you onto another p1 spawn character (another green marine). Due to a glitch in the exe info, since their is only supposed to be only 1 possible player one on the screen, you basically teleport onto it, and it's read as you telefraggin' yoself. Ain't dat some shit!? It's like when you use more than one p1 start in a level, it makes other green marines. They don't do anything, but if you shoot them, or they get hurt in any way, you take the damage. Basically, whatever happens to them, happens to you, and vice versa of course. Try it some time, for all you level makers. 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted March 1, 2001 Hello, I am here to help. The pattern is shown at the start of the level. In the room where you start, there are a collection of flaming torches. There is a pattern to them, the pattern is: Red, green, green, blue, green ,blue, green, blue, green, green, red, blue, red, blue. If you look upon the squares outside, they have different coloured lamps on them. First step on the red one, then look around for the platform near to you that has a green one. Then green again, then blue ...etc etc is it becoming clear to you now? :).............snip 0 Share this post Link to post
nightmare imp Posted March 1, 2001 thanks alot,now i dont have to shame myself my using idclip 0 Share this post Link to post
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