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well i landed a job that pays $9.75/hr. so now i can start saving for my new system. here are my current dream specs( subject to change)

dual athlonXP 2100Mhz
Asus dual AMD mainboard
512DDR/RD ram
geforce 4 128Mb ram
Sb live
basic network card(already have)
durner/DVD player( already have)
Good power supply (350 watts) hell have that
volcano 7+ CPU fans (need 2)
20Gb and a 10GB hard drives, hell own them (Linux and windows)
full hardware modem (need it)
have most of what i need, the expensive things will be the mainboard and CPU's. i expect a geforce 4 to bearound 150-200 and the 2 cpu fans i need run 38.99 each

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Shaviro said:

Should this not be in the 'Everything else' forum instead?


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It's gonna be a while before people finally realize they shouldn't be posting anything non-doom related in the General forum...

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Sephiroth said:

20Gb and a 10GB hard drives, hell own them (Linux and windows)

if i were you i would go for a at least a 40gb

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Is there actually ANYTHING that can be posted in the general forum anymore? :)

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No, not exactly. You can't make a post in general if it's to do with editing, wads and mods, multi-player, source ports, basic questions, fan fiction or a poll. So what exactly is left?

Looking down the list of threads in the general forum, pretty much all of the threads that haven't already been moved should really be in one of the other forums.

"I wish I had cable" -> Multiplayer.

"I live" -> Everything Else.

"Fishworld" -> Questions.

"Baphomet? What the hell was he?" -> Questions.

"Teleportation comes in real life" -> Everything Else.

"I can run an FTP" -> Everything Else.

"GBA Doom stuff" - > Questions.


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I think "General" is for worthwhile, non-inflammatory topics that people will reply to. "Everything Else" is kindof a dumping ground for threads only a few people will care about, and that don't fit into any of the other forums.

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