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Doom 2 ShareWare

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I'm not Knocking Doom or Doom 2, Both are awesome games, but Doom 2 was more of the same, same monsters, same weapons except different maps, music and story (HA!)

Because of this they release Doom shareware, Doom gets big, they release Doom 2 Commercially....................................
Big Money
(Yeah I am cynical, but thats' me!)
DOOM ]|[ will ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shit! This was supposed to be a reply to Doom2 shareware thread by Limpstein..

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LorD BaZTArD said:

Doom 2 was more of the same, same monsters, same weapons except different maps, music and story

Actually, DooM2 had many more enemies (Hell Knight, Revenant, Pain Elemental, Mancubus, Arch Vile, Spider, Final Boss) and a significant new weapon -- the double-barreled (super) shotgun. There also were some new textures, skies, etc.

However, I agree that DooM2 was basically more of the same as what was in DooM (but what a ride, man!)

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Oh, I didn't know that, I actually do not have doom 1 full version, so I was guessing, I can't find it anywhere any more!

But you are right DOOM ROCKS!

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