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newbie, with questions (what else : )

Guest Teabag

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Guest Teabag

Greetings !
I want to host a few Doom servers (clap-clap). Can somebody drop some hints for me as to what servers (preferably dedicated) I should look into. I've had no problems playing locally with JDoom, but I don't know if that will even make a good internet server or not. Do all servers require SPECIFIC clients to join, or (for example) can I run a JDoom or ZDoom server, and can the clients run almost any port they prefer?

btw...I have tried RTFM a bit, but am now brain-fried : )

thanks all

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Dunno for the servers. But ports are quite non compatible for net play : they all have special features and even different protocols. Different implementations may cause out-of-synch plays, which would make elements of the game not being in the same state from a machine to another.
I'm not really versed in net ports but I thought only CsDoom was a client/server port ?

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Wow, mate, you hopped straight out of newbie status. You're just a _new guy_ =) Welcome to our family of mentally challenged, bring your own coffe, and keep macvilewhore away from it ;)

Doom is mostly played online with CSDoom or Doomserv. You should find them in the sourceports section on doomworld if ling has done his job properly.

The two isn't compatible, there's hardly any compatibility between the ports, as most of them have slight gameplay changes (like jumping, freelook etc). So you have to decide, or just run one for each of them.

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Guest RTC Marine

So when will I get out of newbie status? :P

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