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Doom 2: What's wrong with the sky??

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I noticed when you reach either map15 or map21, the sky flat doesn't change to what it's supposed to be.
For example, maps 1-20 have that brown polluted-like sky, and when you reach a map that is supposed to have a different sky flat, it stays the same. You have to warp to the specific level for it to change. What's going on with it?
Or, is it just Doom 95's fault?

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(Oops. Not map15, but map12.)

Well...why doesn't it here for?
I'll admit that I don't have the Doom2 CD. I play it with Doom95. Is that the reason why, or is it just the version of Doom2 that I have (1.666)?

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May as well update to 1.9 while we are here talking about it http://www.doomserv2000.com/theclan/D2_16_19.zip

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That's a bug in the game code. You'll find that if you save the game, then reload it, the sky will fix itself. I'm pretty sure all the sourceports fixed this bug (can't remember if it was fixed in v1.9, only played through the game on v1.666)

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