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Hissy free in two hours?!??!

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Well it would be about an hour now, but just what does Linguica mean by that? Does that mean free from his cage or free from the constraints of life (ie dead Hissy)? Free Hissy, but only if it means he can continue his world tour intact!

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No offence (well, maybe some), but who gives a crap?

All these "Free Hissy" people must be really sad if they're so obsessed with a little piece of stuffed cloth, made into what's supposed to be a cacodemon, that some guy made over a year ago in his spare time.

You didn't make it, you've most likely never had it, so give it up. It's just a sad, nerdy, slightly neurotic obsession that you free Hissy campaigners really need to get over. Try getting a life instead.

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It's just a sad, nerdy, slightly neurotic obsession that you free Hissy campaigners really need to get over.


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