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Ling, we need an oldies forum

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There are too many people here now, posting way too much (especially the guys who make 10 or more new threads in a day).

Lets have a new forum where only us oldies who registered at least four months ago are allowed to post, and the newbies are only allowed to browse.

I'm sure some oldies (masochists) will continue to answer the relentless barrage of repeated questions. If not, then *shock horror* the newbies will just actually have to *gasp* look at old posts!

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That's a good idea. Thing is, why can't the clans just take over the multiplayer forum? It's pretty much dead anyway.

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... and you consider yourself an oldie, don't you?
How long has one got to be in the DOOM community to be considered an oldie?

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Guest deathwarrior
stphrz said:

That's a good idea. Thing is, why can't the clans just take over the multiplayer forum? It's pretty much dead anyway.

the multiplayer forum should be renamed to clans forum, no one uses it anyway.

there should be a TC for source ports (like Skulltag, UAC Resurrection...) forums as well

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Guest Dest-01
Cyberdemon Lord said:

An oldie forum
A newbie forum
A forum for all!

A newbie forum? jesus.. that would be scary..

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stphrz said:

Make it two years and I'll support the idea.

But the current Doomworld forums haven't even existed that long...

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Guest ZarcyB
Dest-01 said:

A newbie forum? jesus.. that would be scary..

The Newbie Forums:

<Newbie #132243> What's Doom?
<Newbie #943758> I dunno.
<Newbie #784783> I think its a game.
<Newbie #132243> Wow! A game on a computer?
<Newbie #943758> Cool!
<Newbie #784753> That's 31337.
<Rest of Forums> Uhhh... what?
<Newbie #784753> I dunno.
<Newbie #132243> What's Doom?

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But the current Doomworld forums haven't even existed that long...

Nothing gets by you eh? Mind like a steel trap.
Yeah. I know that. :)

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ZarcyB said:

The Newbie Forums:

<Newbie #132243> What's Doom?
<Newbie #943758> I dunno.
<Newbie #784783> I think its a game.
<Newbie #132243> Wow! A game on a computer?
<Newbie #943758> Cool!
<Newbie #784753> That's 31337.
<Rest of Forums> Uhhh... what?
<Newbie #784753> I dunno.
<Newbie #132243> What's Doom?

LOL :) good one..

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Guest Teabag
Cyberdemon Lord said:

An oldie forum
A newbie forum
A forum for all!

Great. I just register at this forum, and because I'm new here, everyone assumes the elitist attitude that there is no way anyone with less than XXXXXX posts or wtf could ever POSSIBLY understand or enjoy iDgames, and that we all ask stupid questions repeatedly. If you folks want to see any kind of revival of these games, we should all have a bit of unity between ourselves. I am about to begin hosting 3 or more servers most likely (I have cable and an entire machine to dedicate to it) so a little help would be appreciated.


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That isn't the problem at all.

The problem is, we come on and see fifty need threads made in a day (most of them on the same subjects), and the stuff us oldies were previously discussing has been lost in the mire of newbie posts.

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Perhaps new forum software would address that problem in a more constructive way. Personally I think that's the main problem here. The present forums are inadequate to the number of users. Remember these forums are freeware. They've reached their limit.

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Guest Teabag

That isn't the problem at all.

The problem is, we come on and see fifty need threads made in a day (most of them on the same subjects), and the stuff us oldies were previously discussing has been lost in the mire of newbie posts.

Makes sense. I guess I just assumed that everybody knows how to RTFM, but that's what I get for being an optimist, hehe.

Kinda OT, but let's test get nostalgic for a moment. Anyone else remember the saying:

"it's always September on the internet"

If you know what I mean, it should bring a chuckle.

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Guest fraggle`

perhaps mewse could set up some kind of uberleet forum on doomers.org

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Jon said:

3 months? I'd say at least a year.

I don't think these forums have even existed an entire year.

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TheProphet said:

... and you consider yourself an oldie, don't you?
How long has one got to be in the DOOM community to be considered an oldie?

I'm sure you count.

Maybe you should need to have some community status or something. Released maps, etc. Wait, that discounts me then... Well, I can prove I've been making maps a while, so there. I've got about 80.

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stphrz said:

Nothing gets by you eh? Mind like a steel trap.
Yeah. I know that. :)

I'm pretty sure they've lasted a year, just about, but certainly not two :)

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