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funny doom related dream

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ok i had a odd dream about going to the near by mall and walking in a pc game store. on one shelf every thing was doom related. It was kick ass and i bought m,any of the things. the first thing i bought was the Doom players survival pack, it came in a metal ammo box with doom printed on the side. It cames with all the doom games and ports on a disk, it also had the top 10 megawads and TC's. There was also 10 kick ass doom posters and 4 t-shirts as well as 4 doom figures, cyber deamon, imp, doom guy, and a normal deamon. it also had a doom hat, a cd of noraml kick ass wads for all the dooms and windows themes and a kick ass doom sound track.

Also the shelf was boxed sets of all the doom games as well. There were posters t-shirts and figures for all the doom charectars. kind of a cool doom dream, oh yea there was also modeled armor and props too

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Guest JudgeDooM

Cool! If only that existed in reality. I had a Doom nightmare... I was in the game with no ammo left and useless weapons, trapped in a small room. And Bull Demons ran towards me...then I waked up and I was sweating...damn!

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Guest UAC stockholder

LOL, my friend used to play DooM alot, and he has dreams where
he was in a state fair, and it was on fire and cacodeamons were flying around. he said he had to find food for the cacodeamons so they would not kill anybody, lol.

I have doom dreams too, though there all about the decimated cities in doom II.

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I get about every 1 in 5 of my Doom maps from weird Doom dreams I had. I haven't had any good Doom dreams in a few years... hence my "work" on recent maps...

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Some time ago I heard about a weird theory, promissing that if a person whilst being awake asks himself on and on: Am I awake or sleeping? Than he will do so also whilst being in a dream and from that moment on he will realize (maybe) that he is sleeping and so get the control on his dream and be able to design it.

That would be nice, would not it? Punishing your foes, making love to Cleopatra... or whoever.

"One charming night gives more delight
Than a hundred lucky days.
Night and I improve the taste,
make the pleasure longer last
A thousand several ways"

"The Fairy Queen", by Mister Henry Purcell, 1692, english composer (1659-1695)

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JudgeDooM said:

Cool! If only that existed in reality. I had a Doom nightmare... I was in the game with no ammo left and useless weapons, trapped in a small room. And Bull Demons ran towards me...then I waked up and I was sweating...damn!

Hey I had a Doom nightmare, too. I was trying to get to my house, but there were serveral mancubuses in my yard and a Spiderdemon was patrolling around my block. It was like a war zone, and I didn't want to go in my house because I was afraid that the Spiderdemon would notice me and then start pumping my house full of lead and kill my family and me, so I just hid behind a tree. I was about to start blasting the mmancubuses with a super shotgun (I have no idea where it came from) when I woke up. It's probably a good thing that I did, because even if I did kill the mancubuses, the Spiderdemon would have heard me and I don't have any idea how I would have dealt with that.

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all day i dream about doom and all day i dream about doom and all day I dream about doom and all day I dream about dooming.
ALLLLLLLL day I dream about doom,yes and always i dream about dooming.
In all of my fantasys,I look in the mirorr and see my self looking back at me,I kill so many shotgunners so good and fast in all of my fantasys.All day I dream about doom and all day I dream about doom and allllllll day I dream about doom.
So i see my face in the computer screen staring back at me as I fight imps and hell knights.And all all day I dream about doom and yes all day I dream about doom and allllllll day i DReam about dooming in all of my nightmares.so I say and kill them so hard ,I see the cyberdemon explode in all of my fantasys.alllllllllllllll day I dream about doom and all day I dream about doom and yes all day I dream about doom and all day.A

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