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ftp question pt. 2

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So, let's see if I heard right...
For now on, we upload to our files in the upload folder in the "doom:doom" ftp, and we don't have to worry about the "upload:upload" one anymore, right?
But that can't be right, because I tried that and I got that annoying error again.

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huh? ok. here's the deal. there is no more upload account. the only way you can upload is if you have your own account, and you upload in your own directory, which you have full rights. this way i can see who's uploading what. also, it stops unauthorized uploads. i thought i emailed you an upload account. didn't you get it? anyone who wants an upload account just email or better yet, icq me. i always have it on now.

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Just checked e-mail and found it. I didn't notice it. Now there shouldn't be any problem. If there is, I'll let you know.

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