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I hate reply locked posts


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Mechaspams site could be crap, he posts msg, "check out my site". In a real world that would mean "check out my site and let me know what you think" but to lock replies = "check out my site and it's fucking awesome, I don't care what you people think of it"

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Guest deathwarrior



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I am going to rip the one minute delay's head off and shit down it's throat, tear out it's nose and skullfuck it, rip it's arms off and beat it with them, slice it to pieces with this old sword of mine, stop it until it is an unrecognizable pile of pulp and guts, cut it's stomach open and hang it's insides all over town, and then celebrate by eating what's left of it for dinner.

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Guest deathwarrior

can i join your "smash-fest"?

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I refuse to read 'read this' or 'question' or 'go here' posts as a matter of principle :) last time I was at mechasam's site, this is some time ago, I thought it was pretty well designed, but a little over-zealous, as I remember it tried to stop right-clicking, which really pisses me off- whenever I find a site like that I am tempted to steal their HTML, which I wasn't in the first place (webmasters shouldn't flatter themselves)

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Guest Medieval_Gnome
Lüt said:

I am going to rip the one minute delay's head off and shit down it's throat, tear out it's nose and skullfuck it, rip it's arms off and beat it with them, slice it to pieces with this old sword of mine, stop it until it is an unrecognizable pile of pulp and guts, cut it's stomach open and hang it's insides all over town, and then celebrate by eating what's left of it for dinner.

Wow, you sound like MACVILEWHORE... except you don't have the coffee.

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