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Why do we still play DooM?

Guest UAC stockholder

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Guest UAC stockholder

I mean there are millions of "better" 3d games out there so why do you guys still play doom? I like doom because other games are too complicated, in real life combat, you don't spend anytime
ducking or jumping or looking up, in these new games, it takes time to hunt and peck out that key to "look up". Looking up should not take more then a split second like in real life.
Doom is also an ACTION GAME, you don't dick around talking to scientists or shit like that. Also, in doom you can have 100 million enemys fighting at once, which is cool. Those are only a few reasons why i play what about you?

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Doom has faster better gameplay. It also has more enemies, and the enemies still beat the enemies in the new games. I'm a fan of "hunt for the key" games compared to these "objective games". It makes it a lot more fast paced. That's why Serious Sam looks sooo good. The only other games that aren't bad are Quake 2, Quake 3, and Medal of Honor. And if anyone mentions Goldeneye, I'll shoot them. That's one of THE WORST games ever made.

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Guest deathwarrior
UAC stockholder said:

I mean there are millions of "better" 3d games out there so why do you guys still play doom?

maybe cause... we can.

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I play Doom because I like to. I also like to play, in no particular order, Deus Ex, Half-Life, Quake 2, Aliens vs. Predator, StarCraft, Diablo II, Unreal Tournament, and a plethora of other games.

Any justifications - Doom has the best gameplay, it can have 200 million monsters at once ... are exaggerations, myths, and simplifications.

I play the game because I like it, not because it gives me a rush to run at 90mph. In fact I like objectives-based games far more than "hunt the key", and I believe monster fests are overrated.

In real life combat, taking advantage of terrain, ducking and jumping are par for the course. Not being able to duck under at an inopportune moment will cost you your life. Note however that I do not advocate rocket jumping or bunny hopping in real life combat. :P

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Guest UAC stockholder

Yeah, what i mean by "realistic" is that it feels like real combat, the adrinaline, the way the weapons tear up humans,
the realistic eviroment. The only thing that gives me a real
adrenialin rush is a reverent's homing missile about to hit my back while I'am wait for the door to open, and running just in the nick of time. Slugging imp after imp after imp with my shotgun doesn't produce much excitment, I got to feel endangered, on the verge of death, just like real combat.

also, I use the eviroment to take cover and whatnot, hidng around corners while arachnotrons wail on me.

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elbryan42 said:

And if anyone mentions Goldeneye, I'll shoot them. That's one of THE WORST games ever made.

Oh thank God someone agrees with me; I hate that fucking game too.

What about Turok 2, though? You have to admit that game was pretty damn cool.

As for why I still play Doom... it has the best replay value. After I beat Heretic I had no desire to every play it again. Same goes for Unreal, Q3A and especially FAKK 2.

I think part of it's longevity is the fact that it's still one of the simplest games to edit around.

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finally! a sane person!

how can you play a game with no gravity, no run (unless you cheat), slow multiplayer, boring enemies, boring weapons, and terrible levels? and to think that rare had a perfect track record before that game. battletoads, donkey kong country, killer instinct... ah those were the days.

and Turok 2 is damn cool. i have the PC version, which blows the N64 version away. impossible end boss though.

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Ya Heretic got boring after I beat it as well. Turok 1 was good as well. I couldn't get past the first level on 2 because I couldn't figure out that thing with the symbol on the ground that is supposed to let you jump real far or something like that. Turok one had that doom like feel to it I say. I also like Descent. It is also a find the keys game.

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Descent is incredibly cool! I almost forgot about it. The one with the best levels is Descent Maximum for the PSX.

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why do i play doom still?

1.nothing beats it.
2.its original
3.it involves hell and hell spawn.
4.good story line,possibly the best.
5.the best enimies you love to hate.
6.intense action
7.its the only game i play on a regular basis and never get board of it,no matter how many times.
8.id software is the best company.
9.i live in a small city in Canada and I dont have that dumb accent"eh?" or "aboot".
10.doom is a legend,a myth,the reality of my mind.
11.it's spawned awsome sequels!
12.all day i dream about doom and all day i dream about doom and all day I dream about doom and all day I dream about dooming.
ALLLLLLLL day I dream about doom,yes and always i dream about dooming.
In all of my fantasys,I look in the mirorr and see my self looking back at me,I kill so many shotgunners so good and fast in all of my fantasys.All day I dream about doom and all day I dream about doom and allllllll day I dream about doom.
So i see my face in the computer screen staring back at me as I fight imps and hell knights.And all all day I dream about doom and yes all day I dream about doom and allllllll day i DReam about dooming in all of my nightmares.so I say and kill them so hard ,I see the cyberdemon explode in all of my fantasys.alllllllllllllll day I dream about doom and all day I dream about doom and yes all day I dream about doom and all day.

Thats why I still play it.

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elbryan42 said:

Descent is incredibly cool! I almost forgot about it. The one with the best levels is Descent Maximum for the PSX.

Yeah! Descent rules too! I've always had a soft spot for the first Descent game, but my favourite is the "Descent Extreme" arcade game. You know, the one with the dual joysticks and the 4 foot screen?

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Guest TheCyanideX
UAC stockholder said:

I mean there are millions of "better" 3d games out there so why do you guys still play doom? I like doom because other games are too complicated, in real life combat, you don't spend anytimeducking

BBBBBEECCCAUUUUSEEEE I II I II II LikE It.... Uh uh uh uh I don't Haa hahaha havvvvee a PpprrroBbblEem Do I?

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nightmare imp said:

Hey fellow Canadian! I live in Regina, Sask, which might as well be a small town compared to the Capitol. I too am sick of all of that eh and aboot shit. As well as all of this patriotic crap. I am myself and it doesn't matter where I am. And if anyone EVER heard me say eh, let them shoot me, unless I do it first.

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UAC stockholder said:

in these new games, it takes time to hunt and peck out that key to "look up". Looking up should not take more then a split second like in real life.

I use mouse to look up/down in every new game not a key. You still use keyboard only?

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