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Help needed (not a Doom project)

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I'm currently working on a games related site, both as part of my journalism degree for next year, and for any potential employers to look at. The site, which is currently going under the name of "Zone X" is going to have a similar look and style to the UK PC games mag PC Zone (hence the name).

I'm looking for people willing to write reviews and features. They don't have to be about recently released or forthcoming games. In fact, there's pretty much going to be a "no news" policy, seeing as the only news we could get would most likely have to be ripped off from another site or magazine.

The features do, however, need to be somewhat humorous, with sarcastic and ironic humour. Features might use ridiculous (i.e. made up) anecdotes, stupid stories, etc.

If you would be willing to do one or more review/feature a month, that would be great, but one-off submissions will be gladly welcomed too. Oh yeah, before anyone volunteers to do a Doom related article, I've already got that covered, thanks (and rather extensive it is too) :)

Bear in mind that the site's more than likely not going to be some kind of mass audience site, and that it probably won't even have it's own domain name. However, if we CAN get a relatively large audience for it, all the better ;)

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Are you fuckin kidding me? What loser would spend his time reviewing doom related shit? Well you know what, I will. Bah, I have nothing better to do other than listen to punk music anyway.
Just ship ll details off to
cool cool, hope to hear form you soon.

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geez, i feel blatently retarded for not reading the whoile post now. So the whole site is basically a review of all new games (while badmouthing others?) it reminds me of pc accellerator. Cool, i'm down with that too. Doom is cool and all, but hey, so is new shit too.


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Actually, there will be reviews of fairly old games too.

But it won't just have reviews, there will be features as well. For example, I'm currently writing a couple of features about on-line communities outside of the big four (Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, Half-life and Counterstrike), and of course one of these is about the Doom community :)

The other is about the fairly large group of people dedicate to preserving the memory of Looking Glass studios and their various games (especially Thief and System Shock).

There will probably also be a feature about how people can afford to upgrade their shitty 486's / Pentium 1's, although currently it just consists of two words: use EBay.

BTW, you can edit your posts you know ;)

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Hey, I could write you a 4-page review totally and truthfully bashing The Downward Spiral or The Fragile! (Your choice ;)

I wrote a review of Danzig 5 and some other music at my site The Barnacle, listed in my signature. You can go browse around that or read my news updates and see if you'd care to have anything with my "style" contributed. I think I've done some relatively humorous articles there. It's no SomethingAwful, but take a look and see what you like.

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Thanks, but the site's going to be PC game related only :) Unless you're willing to review some games? They don't have to be particularly new ones either; in fact I've got a review of Starcraft lined up :)

BTW, here's a thought for you: A NIN/Danzig collaboration =p

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Guest ZarcyB

I would be willing to write an article or two.

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Lüt said:

Hey, I could write you a 4-page review totally and truthfully bashing The Downward Spiral or The Fragile! (Your choice ;)

I wrote a review of Danzig 5 and some other music at my site The Barnacle, listed in my signature. You can go browse around that or read my news updates and see if you'd care to have anything with my "style" contributed. I think I've done some relatively humorous articles there. It's no SomethingAwful, but take a look and see what you like.

Well, i could write a 78 page thesis on "The brown fox runs fast".

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Guest giltygear

I have my own site (killthebunny.cjb.net) to worry about writing things for, but I'd be cool with writing something every now and then. Just drop by my site (killthebunny.cjb.net), take a look at whats there, and let me know if you think I got what you're lookin for.

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Thanks, but the site's going to be PC game related only :) Unless you're willing to review some games? They don't have to be particularly new ones either; in fact I've got a review of Starcraft lined up :)

BTW, here's a thought for you: A NIN/Danzig collaboration =p

Hah, are you talking about Danzig in his Danzig 1-4 days (the rock/blues/metal [good] stuff) or Danzig 5? Or Danzig 6? 6 is like Rob Zombie. I don't find it all that entertaining.

I did plan on reviewing some games too so maybe I will. I suppose somebody's got Quake or the Quake Mission Packs? I'd care to review the mission pack #1 if you want a positive review, or if you want something negative... I dunno, I was gonna say maybe Quake, though I'm one of those people who liked Quake1 more than Quake2. In fact, I liked it a lot. It's hard to find a piece of shit game I can rip apart; most of them have been fairly decent at worst. But if you want to hear something really nasty you could ask me about the playability of Heretic 2.

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Lüt said:

Hey, I could write you a 4-page review totally and truthfully bashing The Downward Spiral or The Fragile!

Must...restrain...from...killing...Lut...can't...control...hands...chainsaw...turned...on...a screw it why am I resisting. <RRROAAAWWWW>
Sorry, just the the Fragile is my favorite album EVER. Damn you.

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That sounds cool. I could write some stuff for that site, if you like. If you doubt my skill in writing funny stuff, try to read the story file that came with my latest release (Nightwing, should appear when /newstuff is back online). If you don't want to download the whole thing, mail me and I'll send it to ya. If you're interested, that is.

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