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Themes of DOOM

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Doom has an awsome way of creating the perfect atmosphere,dont you agree.
DOOM:Phobos base,Deimos base and finnaly hell.I dunno about the fourth episode"thy flesh consumed",is that hell,earth between the two worlds or a lost dimension or at the gate?
DOOM2:Millitary base,than a city and hell itself.
Doom 64:Base,hell.
And what else,no other game could pull it off the best,sure Quake did but what I mean,DOOM does it the best and it will always be the best.

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If your version of Doom doesn't have the fourth episode then get the free upgrade patch to the Ultimate version. The motif is mostly wood... it's not really classifiable but it's not hell or base. It's like a hell influenced millitary cabin. =)

Doom64 has a friggin' awesome texture set, I wish there was a way to import it into zDoom without any loss or dithering damage.

The only thing Quake did well was the color brown.

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deadnail said:

The only thing Quake did well was the color brown.

But that makes the blue map so much more exciting!!

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nightmare imp said:

DOOM2: Millitary base, than a city and hell itself.

I think the so-called "Hell" in Doom2 was pathetic. The maps were ok but I would hardly call them "Hell" at all. Perhaps the spirit world map. Not all the maps were so bad, but c'mon, Nirvana, Barrels O' Fun, The Catacombs, The Chasm? Adding a burning sky to a map hardly makes it Hell themed.

Not that they were bad maps, but you might as well throw Tricks'N'Traps, The Pit and most any other Doom2 map into the "Hell" category as well.

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thy flesh consumed is earth, its pretty much like a beginning to doom2, kinda. although it doesn really look like earth. it was made in like 6 hours by john romero.

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Where did you hear that Ep4 was made by John Romero, and where did you hear it was made in six hours?

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Lüt said:

But that makes the blue map so much more exciting!!

How come on all of the Quake maps where there is a blue of purple patch, they throw in one of those purple blob things to annoy you...damn.

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Guest UAC stockholder
Lüt said:

I think the so-called "Hell" in Doom2 was pathetic. The maps were ok but I would hardly call them "Hell" at all. Perhaps the spirit world map. Not all the maps were so bad, but c'mon, Nirvana, Barrels O' Fun, The Catacombs, The Chasm? Adding a burning sky to a map hardly makes it Hell themed.

Not that they were bad maps, but you might as well throw Tricks'N'Traps, The Pit and most any other Doom2 map into the "Hell" category as well.

I htink maybe those not-so-hellish hell levels are like UAC researched ares, like in the chasm, its like the fiery pits of hell only it looks like the UAC set up research stations and doors and catwalks. But as for the others, i dunno maybe cause "the deamins brought the citie's technology with them."
or something. all doom levels are abstract, downtown did not look like a city at all, just some buildings, you have to ask your self where are the cars, and whats the purpose of these buildings?

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Yeah that is pretty much Doom and Doom2: Couple of military-themed levels and Hell itself. Thy Flesh Consumed was NOT made in 6 hours, OK? As for Doom2, it's a couple of miltiary-themed levels, then a city, and Hell itself. Hopefully Doom3 will be a lot more diverse with its levels.

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