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Doom movie, hehe.

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Instead of thinking weither or not the movie is coming out, we outta debate what kinds of stuff will be in it(it will most certainly come out now, weither it's good or not is a different story [only 1 star or three?]).

Just like doom3, instead of debating wiether or not it would come out, we debated what kinds of features and gadgets it would have in it.

Personally, since it is fresh in my mind, I think the imps should definatly look like a variation of those cat-people in SK's (stephen king's) "Sleepwalkers". They looked pretty scaly, evil, and clawed. Now only dark-yellow glowing eyes and some bone protrusions would make em kinda neat lookin'.

So, what do you guys think alot of the other monsters should look like in the movie (dear god let alot of them be either actors in suits or *VERY* complex computer models).

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Um, forget the whole discussion thing, I think it's time that somebody around here actually make a Doom movie on their own. I would if I had a camcorder and knew how to do the really wicked special fx needed, but it doesn't have to be great special fx, just a good plot and good scripting and good acting. Or maybe we could do a computer-generated Doom movie, with 3D models and stuff. Who's with me?

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I think for a Doom movie to be successful, it wouldn't try and rip off the game, but more like be set in the Doom universe. Sorta like a sequel, but not really, if you get what I mean (an example would be Spear of Destiny - not a sequel to Wolf3D but an adventure set in the Wolf3D universe).

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Guest soulassssns

bull shit thats what hollywood always does, make up theyre own story "based on it" and then we gamers end up watching the "mario brothers movie"....

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