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Doom Confessions

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Ya know I was just thinking...I have some confessions about Doom that I must confess. Most of you probably do too. If not, I'm just going to make a big boob out of myself. Well...here goes:

-I've never actually beat Doom2 all the way through. I think I got stuck on the level 'Suburbs'. I've also never beaten other levels such as 'Nirvana' or 'Spirit World'.

-Until just this Saturday, I had never actually beaten a cyberdemon without using god mode. It was one helluva rush, but I did it, and it felt good. It wasn't the Tower of Babel cybie though, but one on a Slige level.

-Speaking of Slige, I spend most of my time Dooming fooling around with the program.

-I've never beaten the Icon of Sin without clipping. I always go though the brain and beat the crap out of Romero's head.

-I still haven't figured out how to get to the secret levels on Doom2, or the secret level on Doom, episode 4.

-Here at the bottom of the spiral, I must confess that I have been playing for about 7 years and still I have not done the above things. Oh well, someday. First I have to get a copy of Doom2 though...damn retailers.

Oh well, I think it was once said that it takes a real man to admit when he's wrong. What that has to do with this, I have no idea, but I'd like to know that I'm not the only Doom-loser out there, so reply...If you've got the nutz!

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I have never been past lev7 single player :)
On the confessions side of it, I played doom on a BBS for a few months using cheats, Target1.wad -player2 cheat, the light.wad cheat etc, altho this was to test that they did work and resulted in a program being released called secure start, which checked such things BEFORE dialing opponent, checksum on doom2.wad, doom2.exe and memory etc , also did same thing on connection to other player, strange thing was, that was the same year, when it was to be compulsary for all British Doom league players to use this program, that BDL closed :). I wonder if Slartibartfest (programmer) realises he killed British Doom2 League? :)I would like to point out I never played in that league, I was just making a point that the players on Forest BBS did not need such cheats, we had a match organised Forest v BDL which never seemed to materialise when secure start was released :)
I still have this program if anyone wants it for direct modem games

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Well,its better to tell all instead of holding it in.
Like back in the day,I never knew how to get past the level thirty of tnt in final doom,across the block pit with the telefrag death.i always used clipping and went around.
I only played deathmatch twice and co-operative once.
Most of my time i doom,on a regular basis.Except when im at school,work,sleep.

there it is said.

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Well Jeez, I never played Doom multiplayer, except a few times when I had a two-computer LAN set up temporarily.

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Not really a confession, but has anyone else noticed that there are EXACTLY 100 rockets in episode 1 of pc doom? That means all rocket launchers, single rockets, boxes of rockets, and backpacks. If you collect EVERYTHING (including the e1m9), on the last level you will have exactly 100 rockets. No more, no less.

Now that's knowing your Doom.

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I'm still looking for a proper copy of Doom 2, but it's almost impossible to find it over here in the west coast.
Damn gamefever.com. This is all their fault!

The secret levels on Doom 2 can be accessed from map 15 - "Industrial Zone." You have to hit some kind of switch to open a tunnel that's inside the complex underground area at the top of the map. I've seen it before.

Slige, huh? I have that program. The only thing I hate about it is the repeating usage of rectangular rooms. I was hoping for just a LITTLE bit of effort from it!

Open "Ultimate Doom: 4th secret level" thread to find out how to enter the 4th secret level "Fear."

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Not quite. You have to first hit the switch on the platform in the middle of the lava pool (you jump to it from the huge tower in the center of the level), that will open a secret passage in the lava with some cacodemons. step on the platform out of the lava (I think it has either rockets or invulnrability) and it opens up a passage in a hallway in one of the building across the lava. in the passage is the secret exit.

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This post scares mah puerto rican ass! ;)
By da way, I have never beaten every level of FINAL DOOM! But I have beat da rest, and I LOVE slaughtering groups of cyberdemons WITHOUT da bfg! ESPECIALLY on doom 64, level 24, HARDEST DIFFICULTY!!!

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Guest deathwarrior

aww, what the hell...

- I have never finished Doom 1 or 2 properly.. basiclly, it means i havent finished Doom 1 from the start or Doom 2 from the start. Been always using IDCLEV except on Doom 1 Episode 1 and 2, which i have actually finished.

- It took me 4 and a half years to make a two room level. /me sobs

- I've never used Nightmare mode and finished at least one level. Why? Never had the time.

- I didnt play Doom Episode 1 first, i played Episode 3, and i got up to E3M6 (I'm too young to die) without cheating OR dieing.

- I'd never played Doom on the Internet until i was beta-testing Skulltag v0.90 (like Early January this year)

- I never knew about these forums until early January, and I didnt know about doom channels until December last year. HOWEVER, I've known about Doomworld since around the time the "5 Years Of Doom" article came out, I did know the doom stuff on cdrom.com before that, and some sites, but i forgot the URLs.

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danarchist said:

Well Jeez, I never played Doom multiplayer, except a few times when I had a two-computer LAN set up temporarily.

Gak! Doom multiplayer is great! On a LAN, it's especially wonderful because it's so EASY to set up.

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- The only Doom i have ever paid for was Ultimate doom (i swear, when i get a job and hence some money, i'll buy them all)
- I have never ever even SEEN final doom or the master levels
- I have never completed doom2 on UV without cheating (savegames)

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Guest ZarcyB

Yeah I have a few confessions too:

- I first played Doom in a computer shop and they soon banned me from playing there cos I went there too much :P

- The only copy of Doom I bought was Doom 2, and I bought it quite recently. My friend gave me a copy a few years ago, and then I borrowed his book of id thingy like a year ago.

- I love the BFG :D

- I've never finished making a single player Doom level because I don't like the textures.

- I played Final Doom with cheats on. But I have completed Doom and Doom 2 on Ultraviolence. I think :P

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ive never beaten final doom or doom 2 al teh way through. ive played every level though. the farthest ive gotten in doom2 without codes is map 16. some one said down this post a little taht it took them 4 adn a half years to make a 2 room map...what editer were you using? the first time i ever fired up wadauther i made a 3 room map with a secret door, nazis, and a teleporter, a giant stairway taht led to noware, and comander keen

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I could never make it through any of the Final Doom maps without cheats. It just got too boring; I made it to level 3 or 4 of Plutonia and Level 10 of TNT Evilution before I had to clip around the maps - I was interested more in the map design than the gameplay. I've never played those maps again. I always mean to load them up someday but never do.

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Don Incognito said:

Well I enjoyed Duke Nukem! :)


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I have beat Doom and Doom 2 several times on UV. However, I have never beaten TNT or Plutonia. The levels to TNT arr great, except for levels with excessive lava, which I stop playing when I get to them. As for Plutonia, only about a 1/4 of the levels are interesting. And the difficulty on some of the levels is too insane to play. You want AWESOME levels? Play the 10 sectors wad. It's near perfection. About 90% of the levels are the best and more creative than anything I've ever seen!

And one other confession. I ACTUALLY beat SNES Doom. The game isn't that bad, but you can't circle strafe, and there's no saves or passwords. That's at least 3-4 hours of non-stop Dooming. You die in UV, it's all over.

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danarchist said:

Well Jeez, I never played Doom multiplayer, except a few times when I had a two-computer LAN set up temporarily.

I never played multiplayer Doom at all. I want to, but I don't know how to set this thing up for it. We only have 1 computer and this is it, so I have no way of seting it up on a LAN.

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Lüt said:


Go fuck the duck, bucko. I don't give a shit which game you thought was superior but you must at the least admit that Duke3D was a damn good game irregardless.

Clone? Sure. But the first clone to introduce style and truely interactive environments, not to mention a very original arsenal and a good soundtrack (Bobby Prince, but Lee Jackson's tunes were pretty good too).

Hell, just yesterday I played through MSSP v3 for Duke3D and I was pretty impressed with the level design. If you want to play a 7 level episode for Duke3D go ahead and get it from dukeworld.com, it's only a meg and a half.

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Guest deathwarrior
deathwarrior said:

aww, what the hell...

- I have never finished Doom 1 or 2 properly.. basiclly, it means i havent finished Doom 1 from the start or Doom 2 from the start. Been always using IDCLEV except on Doom 1 Episode 1 and 2, which i have actually finished.

- It took me 4 and a half years to make a two room level. /me sobs

- I've never used Nightmare mode and finished at least one level. Why? Never had the time.

- I didnt play Doom Episode 1 first, i played Episode 3, and i got up to E3M6 (I'm too young to die) without cheating OR dieing.

- I'd never played Doom on the Internet until i was beta-testing Skulltag v0.90 (like Early January this year)

- I never knew about these forums until early January, and I didnt know about doom channels until December last year. HOWEVER, I've known about Doomworld since around the time the "5 Years Of Doom" article came out, I did know the doom stuff on cdrom.com before that, and some sites, but i forgot the URLs.

and finally, the worst one out of them all, i DIDN'T pay for ANY of the Doom games... they are ALL.......

you can work it out.

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My confessions, heh.

I haven't completed heretic yet.

That's it. I've been through (On the hardest non-respawning difficulty)

Doom, Ultimate Doom, Doom2, TNT, Plutonia, Duke3d, Hexen, Quake2,
Saturn Quake, Saturn Duke, Saturn Hexen, PSX Hexen, Saturn Exhumed, Saturn Doom, PSX Doom, PSX Final Doom, PSX Exhumed, SNES Doom, 32X Doom, and Zero Tolerance on the megadrive. This shows my love of the genre.

I have yet to do this with the 4th episode of Duke (Atomic edition, I think) and I've only beaten the first PC Quake on NORMAL.

Confession over.

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danarchist said:

Well Jeez, I never played Doom multiplayer, except a few times when I had a two-computer LAN set up temporarily.

Whew! Well I KNOW I'm gonna be hearing about this one foe awhile yet, but this is a confession post, is it not? Well I Own, and LOVE SNES Doom, and I think the Doom Novels are Great! (Except them last 2.. can't make much sense of them!) To atone perhaps, I can beat the SNES version on NIGHTMARE, starting from episode 1, going straight thru to the end, and NOT BE KILLED ONCE. I have beaten the oringonal Doom on nightmare... But I never got past the Spirit World on Doom 2 ( level 28) on that difficulty.
:( And my Doom 2 is not bought either. all my other ones are!

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