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The old-day look of id's website

Guest Cop999

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Guest Cop999

i was wondering if there's still anyone remember how's the old designing look of id software? cuz i never seen the old one, so far(i guess it's 2 years already), seems like id still don't have time to update their webpage, all they have on is the quake2logo, not even mentioned about the logo of quake3 or the plan of making D3 on the site, anyone still could remember?

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As far as I remember it's _barely_ changed since before Quake came out. That 'Get Quake' thing hasn't changed a bit.

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Guest s999cop

Guess id should start mention more about Doom, because DOOM is back , folks

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Vorpal said:

Wait a minute... there's two 999cops?

They haven't updated thier site in ages. Look everyone! Quake 2 is now available ;)!

2 cops in here!

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deadnail said:

As far as I remember it's _barely_ changed since before Quake came out. That 'Get Quake' thing hasn't changed a bit.

I'm pretty sure it's been that way since before Final Doom.

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Guest kristus

This is how it looked.

There were baphomet and it was written in gothic style text "Do you have a deathwish?"

there were some otehr cool sections one had a shrine with the ID logo and people massing it. after this design the quake 1 design came. it was less satanic and looked somewhat like the one they got now. it had that logo on some sites that is on the crates in quake (invulnerability item in quake2) I can't recall the top of the main site though. but the buttons were placed on horizontal lines 4 on each i think there were two of them. and then there came this one. the one between these was pretty lame. Like quake 1. :p Aaah yeas now I recall the design between the one now and the one with baphomet had a puzzle of pictures creating the idlogo. If i recall correctly different parts of the logo were different linkt to different places. It was an ok design. But the one before and after were much cooler. Although this current is getting really old. could atleast use a update where it says prepare for doom3 now instead of get quake 2 now. ;)

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