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Do you know what I miss from doom.

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Ok. Senario time. So you see an item (say a soul sphere) just waiting in the middle of the room. You KNOW it's a trap, but you gotta have it. So you go after it just for the thrill of what comes afterwards.

For the first time in a game since Doom, I have died from countless enemies coming after me in a trap. Yes, I'm talking Serious Sam. Gameplay like this doesn't come in many games nowadays. Ah... no brain needed. Just non-stop shooting.

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Yeah, thats my favorite type of game too. Doom, Axelay, ESP RA.DE, Serious Sam... yeah. Yeah. Gotta love it.

The only real thought process involved is blowing the fuck out of everything, and in itself that's an unending challenge. =)

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i like any game involving guns, monsters, and mayhem..

I also like WWF NO MERCY for nin64 alot.. you can create people
like britney spears and the N'SYNC and powerbomb them through
pool tables and make them bleed from barb wire 2x4's to the head.
Its great.. you can make president bush and gang beat him with
chairs and ladders and shit.. that is priceless..

I also liked Resident Evil, but it has the replay value of a
used condom..


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Serious Sam is everything Doom was, except for one thing (I only played the test mind you...)

Fear. Doom scared the crap out of me until the last moment, mainly because I (or anyone) was not good at it, so each health box or shotgun shell was desired, but you know something is around that corner, am I gonna die? etc etc ;)

SS gave me the feeling of complete control and superiority over the game. But I guess that's due to the fact that I'm good at fps games now.

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Yeah, that's kind of a problem, I don't like being so darn used to FPS, I wish I could just do temporary memory wipes to make Doom seem brand new to me, like when I originally played it, but alas, I can't do that. Actually, I've noticed that happening to lots of games that I used to abolutely love, I just got used to them, and there was never anything new after a while. That's why I'm hooked on TCs and megawads. I just have to have something new, something that I haven't seen before. Like that new Sonic game, that was awesome. I had no idea anyone could do anything remotely like that with the Doom engine. Oh well, I can't wait 'till I become old and senile, maybe then I can enjoy all my favorite games like I used to (if I can remember them, that is).

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geekmarine said:

Yeah, that's kind of a problem, I don't like being so darn used to FPS, I wish I could just do temporary memory wipes to make Doom seem brand new to me, like when I originally played it, but alas, I can't do that. Actually, I've noticed that happening to lots of games that I used to abolutely love, I just got used to them, and there was never anything new after a while. That's why I'm hooked on TCs and megawads. I just have to have something new, something that I haven't seen before. Like that new Sonic game, that was awesome. I had no idea anyone could do anything remotely like that with the Doom engine. Oh well, I can't wait 'till I become old and senile, maybe then I can enjoy all my favorite games like I used to (if I can remember them, that is).

Well you know what I miss from Doom? EVERYTHING! There was something so very right about everything of that game. I play just about everything FPS at least twice.. but I always go back to Doom. ALWAYS. It never fails. The formula was just too addicting! The perfect mix of finding stuff.. survival.. fear.. and blasting the living hell outta everything! No FPS (IMHO) has ever been able to capture any or all of that feeling.

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geekmarine said:

Yeah, that's kind of a problem, I don't like being so darn used to FPS, I wish I could just do temporary memory wipes to make Doom seem brand new to me, like when I originally played it, but alas, I can't do that. Actually, I've noticed that happening to lots of games that I used to abolutely love, I just got used to them, and there was never anything new after a while. That's why I'm hooked on TCs and megawads. I just have to have something new, something that I haven't seen before. Like that new Sonic game, that was awesome. I had no idea anyone could do anything remotely like that with the Doom engine. Oh well, I can't wait 'till I become old and senile, maybe then I can enjoy all my favorite games like I used to (if I can remember them, that is).

Doom3 should be revolutionary enough that you won't feel you have mastery over it and you won't feel like you're used to it. You will be scared again....

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