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OHH shit SOG co-op is badass


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if you dont got the mod for quake2 called SOG
and you got quake2, GET THAT MOD

its a trip to play co-op.. all the doom enemies, with the marine
weapons, ahhhh hellll yeaaaahhhhh...

this is wayyyy badasss .. and im the type of dude that hates
almost everything and i like it, so it must fuckin rock.

i give it two thumbs up without a doubt.



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Hell's yeah, yo! Quake 2 is already bad as fuck, but wit save our generations... yo da game becomes almost perfect!! Dat shit is da bomb! You should check out generations: arena for quake 3. It looks like it's gonna be bad as fuck! Go to http://www.planetquake.com/wirehead/generations/ and see for yoself, dawg.

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esco said:

Hell's yeah, yo! Quake 2 is already bad as fuck, but wit save our generations... yo da game becomes almost perfect!! Dat shit is da bomb! You should check out generations: arena for quake 3. It looks like it's gonna be bad as fuck! Go to http://www.planetquake.com/wirehead/generations/ and see for yoself, dawg.

yeah i checked that shit out before, cant wait..
i dont play quake3 at all, but i got the cd just in case
they made a cool mod for it



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Ralphis said:

I didn't like it.

Go away, before I jack yo car and leave it on cement blocks: NY STYLE!!!

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Ralphis said:

I didn't like it.

yes i dont like quake2 too. i mean look at it. the monsters are suxy as hell. the grafix sux. and gl dosint do much other then add texture smoothing, colored lighting and increased fram-rate

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