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How should I upload?

What should I do with all my DM maps?  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. What should I do with all my DM maps?

    • Make a 30 map megawad of your best maps.
    • Make a 10 map megawad of your best maps.
    • Make 3 megawads of 10 maps a piece.
    • Make 6 megawads of 5 maps a piece.
    • Make 1 megawad of 5 or 10 maps, then more if I like them.
    • Upload each wad individually in Newstuff.
    • Shut up about your wads already.

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I have a bunch of dm wads on my computer I want to upload. How would you like me to upload them?

Use the poll above. NOTE: You can click multiple answers.

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I voted for the 30 map one and the 3 different 10 map megawads, doesn't matter to me. I was tempted to vote for this one though..."Shut up about your wads already." ;)

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I voted "Shut up about your WADs already", since it was there and I want you to shut up about your WADs already. ;)

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