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If goldeneye was as bad as you seem to think, then i'll let you know that everybody I talk to, hates half life. Its such a frickin horrible game...

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Ok..here's where I stop being dumb like Elbryan42, and I offer up a few (surprise) intelligently sounding points:

1. If goldeneye was as horrible as you say, then that is your opinion. Personally I never liked Half Life, or Duke Nukem. Does that mean they are horrible games? No. They're great games, I've just never liked them.

2. Goldeneye was innovative enough to merit a game of the year status when it was released. I'm so sorry if it didn't live up to your STRICT, ANAL expectations.
Just because you say something, doesn't mean it is right, You're not God, and don't even try to be.

3. The "people" you asked must be as ignorant and immature as you are.

4. If you want to go on a tirade that sounds like its coming from tne mouth of a second grader, then go somewhere else. This is a DOOM FORUM after all...

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whoa, you did NOT just say "innovative". you can't be serious. i bring up some good valid points. other than locational damage, nothing in goldeneye is new or innovative. give me one good reason why you think goldeneye is fun.

also, getting serious here. i might not like lots of games, but i don't call them terrible. goldeneye is the only one that is terrible.

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I think Godeneye is a great game and all (though the engine sucked), but it only got Game of the year because when it cam out, the only other 64 games were Super Mario 64 and Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire...not much of a choice.

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i would take half-life over all of those, well turok 2 is very good. i dont like many n64 games. I use to have one but tradeing it for a playstaion, the only games i like for it are doom, final fantasies, parasite eve 1 & 2, and a few other games. i hate sports games the most

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GODDAMN IT, NOT ANOTHER FUCKHEAD!!! It's people like you who start flame wars up in here!

First, you ain't gots ta sling insults at nobody. Did my boy elbryan42 insult you? NO, he sure as fuck didn't! He simply gave his opinion on one of da many sub-par, DISAPPOINTING games dat nintendo came out with for da N64. When I first saw da system, I couldn't wait to buy one, especially since it was gonna have mk trilogy on it. But, once I got da game and da system, I was in for a shock. Because while mk trilogy's graphics were nicer on n64 then playstation, psx had more characters, and a LOT less glitches! The saturn and pc version were even better than the first two, from what I heard and have seen!

Most of the n64 games that I have seen are very disappointing (look at gauntlet legends for n64, without a controller pack... yuck!), and they all seem to have the same kind of been there, done that type of gameplay! Personally... I thought goldeneye was whack, but not awful! Now if you wants ta start something wit me too for my opinion, then bring it, because I'm fixin ta cus yo ass out if you do!!

Second off, when did elbryan42 say, or even imply, that he thought he was better than anyone else? And what makes his friends opinions worth any less than yours or mines, for dat matter!? Who are you to call them ignorant and immature, your the one who startin' runnin' his jaw!

Lastly... THIS IS A FREE COUNTRY, AND PEOPLE CAN POST WHAT THEY WANT!! Whether you like it or not!! Who da fuck is you, to come up in here and tell him to go somewhere else! Especially since he is here a lot more than you, and has contributed a lot more! What da fuck have you done for da "community" lately! I know I've contributed my share off stuff!

While I don't mind people making their own wads, I am tired of seeing all of these goldeneye tc's and shit. But, dat's my personal opinion, and while I'm sure some people agree with me, I am also certain that there are some people who also love goldeneye, and disagree! In da future, if you want to give your opinion, go right ahead and feel welcome ta do so. BUT...

if you are just gonna make ASS-HEADED POSTS (like dis one, big smile hoe!), do us all a favor... go over to newdoom and do it there, because we don't need any assholes on this forum. We are all here to have a good time, and chill, NOT to start no beefs or no goddamn flame wars! GROW UP, BOY!!!

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elbryan42 said:

give me one good reason why you think goldeneye is fun.

Like this comunity that has formed, I feel that Doom is like God. But here might be a shock to you Elbryan! I LIKE Goldeneye.
I shall now give you the points you asked the last guy who posted.
1) I didn't give a crap about the engine flaws.
2)Let's face it. This game looked MUCH better then Duke 64, and had the multiplayer that Turok lacked.
3)I played this game, NOT to deconstruct it against other games, but to have fun with it. And that's exactly what I did! Thus I enjoyed the game.
4)If we took this argument to an avid Goldeneye suppourter, I imagine they would say the same you said about Goldeneye, but they would say it about Doom. It's all just a matter of opinion.
And besides, we all know that Doom 64 MUCH MORE deserved that award!

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Guest deathwarrior

both Goldeneye and Half Life are bad.

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Lost Soul said:

Like this comunity that has formed, I feel that Doom is like God. But here might be a shock to you Elbryan! I LIKE Goldeneye.
I shall now give you the points you asked the last guy who posted.
1) I didn't give a crap about the engine flaws.
2)Let's face it. This game looked MUCH better then Duke 64, and had the multiplayer that Turok lacked.
3)I played this game, NOT to deconstruct it against other games, but to have fun with it. And that's exactly what I did! Thus I enjoyed the game.
4)If we took this argument to an avid Goldeneye suppourter, I imagine they would say the same you said about Goldeneye, but they would say it about Doom. It's all just a matter of opinion.
And besides, we all know that Doom 64 MUCH MORE deserved that award!

i'm not saying that goldeneye doesn't have it's high points, but the more people said it was the best game ever, i started flipping out, and hated the game more. so i'm human.

and i love doom 64 like the next guy, but it could've been MUCH better. if only they would've kept in the multiplayer compared to taking it out at the last minute, had all of the enemies, better support for the digital controller, and being to play the extra levels in the main game, it would've been perfect.

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Yo, you CAN play da extra levels in da normal game! Just use da features menu to start in cat and mouse (level 25). Then work your way thru it, then the next two levels. After beating level 27, you are dropped into level 1. Proceed to level 32, beat it, and it will then send you to level 2, where you can then proceed thru da rest pof da game!

I did this all on watch me die difficulty, without using any cheats, believe me it CAN be done! It's just hard as fuck... be sure to conserve ammo or they will rape ya like a bitch, especially in levels 25-27!

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What he means is that he'd like to be able to access levels 25-27 through some kind of secret exit, rather than entering that code to get the Features option. I would've liked that too, cause I'd rather not face tons of monsters starting out with a pistol (though I like a good challenge).

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I think you could use some advice.

1. Question facts, not opinions.
2. Attack the cause, not the person.
3. Don't tell people that they are immature just because they have a opinion different of yours.
4. Don't claim that you are making intelligent points. They certainly aren't in this case, if you ask me.
5. Use the "reply" button that is located in the upper right corner of the post you want to respond to instead of starting a new thread.

I hope they'll prove useful.

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