Sephiroth Posted March 30, 2001 well i have an idea that would kick gameboy A's ass. it would be a gameboy like playstation. it would have all the features of playstation1, with better graphics. it would most likly be about the size of the psone but would not use normal sized game disks. instead use the mini-disks, useless and worthless in music but perfect for a compact game system. Also the use of the current memory cards. i think that would be a truely kick ass system. anyone else have an idea similar to that. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted March 30, 2001 Those minidisks are a closed media. They were designed for music, not for data. As data disks I bet they could only hold 300 megs... tops. That still beats out a cartridge, though, by far. Another benefit is that they are encased all around, so dropping them (in the car) doesn't ruin them. =) I would picture a gaming unit the size of a GBA with the controls of a Playstation... except that the right analog stick should be replaced by a trackball (for freelook in FPS games). The use of these disks would be nice. I would guess a resolution of 512 by 384, or maybe 512 by 240 (widescreen). 16 bit color would practically be true color at that resolution, and even then the dithering wouldn't be a main concern. It should have some form of connectivity with PCs, either through a USB cable or something else that allows you to save data to the memory cards. This way you could make your own levels or convert other levels to the new format for it. BTW, as for Doom 2 on GBA... anyone seen the Doom 2 screenie of it running on a Kodak Digital Camera? Full detail. =) 0 Share this post Link to post
Speshul Eddy Posted March 31, 2001 actually, I heard that Sony's planning on making a fully portable PSX soon, which will be interesting. My only problem with GBA is that the resolution's lower than the SNES and there aren't enough buttons. That's gonna porting those old classics kinda tricky =( 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted April 1, 2001 One of those new Toshiba laptops with the 16" displays. Got some at work: SWEET. It's still a laptop display (crappy screen that changes color and tint depending how you look at it) but it's not half as crappy as the laptops of a year or two ago. At least the keyboards are full-size now. 0 Share this post Link to post
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