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To Elbyran42...

Guest Cacodemon Leade

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Guest Cacodemon Leade

You hate Goldeneye for N64? You're not the only one. I'm annoyed by that game. I'd rather play The World is Not Enough for the Nintendo 64 instead of that stupid game. I found out that The World is Not Enough has the guns bob the same way like in DOOM!!

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it sadens me to see people buy this.. the models suck. why is there 5 vertions of a bullet firing wepons. o and every one runs and terns way too slowly.

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What disappointed me about Timekillers is that it's basically Goldeneye. What's your instinct when someone fires a rocket at you? JUMP! Oops, no jump too bad.

Nintendo is a dying breed. Hope the Game Cube is better.

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