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Trick with sectors...

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I know I should be posting this in the editing forum, but it seems to be dead or something.

There is a trick that people can do with sectors using the "raise to near" or "lower to near" effect that makes a sector instantly raise or lower to a certain point, which makes a wall or floor seem like it appears out of nowhere. Those who played map10 or map12 on my wad have probably seen this, and also on other wads like MM2, Requiem, etc. Is there an actual name for this kind of an effect?

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Ummm... Normally it isn't really a trick, but if you use "dummy" sectors to get the effect to work differently (over and under bridges, etc...) I guess it could be called.... hmmm.... how about "Dummy Sector Manipulation"? Just an idea since I don't think there is a name for it.

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But you know what I'm talking about, right?
Like on Map10 - "Stone Fortress" there are hell knights that look like they sudddenly appear from nowhere in the big hall with the pillars.

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Guest Fanatic

I don't think there's a name for it.

It's just another engine trick.

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Zeratul 982 said:

But you know what I'm talking about, right?
Like on Map10 - "Stone Fortress" there are hell knights that look like they sudddenly appear from nowhere in the big hall with the pillars.

Like I said, I don't think it is considered a trick (Is a door considered a trick?), so in that case it wouldn't have much of a name. It is just a super speedy raise floor to highest floor, or in some cases bring it to lowest ceiling tag.

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