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Doom WAD program?

Guest Tonic Hedgehog

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Guest Tonic Hedgehog

Is there any program that can use WAD files and load them into and unload them from Doom?

I have, like, about 2-3 wads...

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you can use a frontend, or do it the old fashioned way with the -file option:

doom2 -file name.wad name2.wad name3.wad

you can put on as many wads as you want. however, remember that the last wad in the list replaces last (ie, if the first wad replaced map01, and the last one also had map01, the last one will be the one you play).

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Guest Tonic Hedgehog
elbryan42 said:

you can use a frontend, or do it the old fashioned way with the -file option:

doom2 -file name.wad name2.wad name3.wad

you can put on as many wads as you want. however, remember that the last wad in the list replaces last (ie, if the first wad replaced map01, and the last one also had map01, the last one will be the one you play).

I know... but we're talking about ZDOOM here. how do I do it in ZDoom?

btw, I know THAT works....but every time I load a WAD...Doom freezes while trying to load it...

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There's several ZDoom front-ends in the downloads page on the ZDoom site (http://zdoom.notgod.com)

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