Guest Darkwing Posted April 9, 2001 I know this has nothing to do with DooM but did anyone see the Dungeons and Dragons movie? well if you did you notice that it had nothing to do with Forgotton Realms? Infact it had nothing to do with Dungeons and Dragons, no characters, no familiar monsters, not even a god damn Beholder! 0 Share this post Link to post
Feronth Posted April 9, 2001 I remeber when I saw the preview of this movie, there was a monster who looked a bit like the Pain Elemental. 0 Share this post Link to post
nightmare imp Posted April 9, 2001 have you ever noticed there are a few monsters that look like cacodemons? The beholder,i think,another monster more of a giant with crab like arms,but he has one eye and his face looks excactly like a cacodemon. 0 Share this post Link to post
Enjay Posted April 9, 2001 Thank God it wasn't forgotten realms. If it was then there would just be a bunch of geeks telling you how the movie got all the details wrong, and how the various cities weren't really like that, and Drizzt should have been harder, or in it or whatever.... Making it a new scenario meant they could make their own rules, much like Gary Guyjacks recommended in D&D 1st edition. Anyway, I usually play in "Greyhawk". "not even a god damn Beholder! " As for beholders, they were there. When the two thieves start to sneak into the castle where Snails eventually, well, I'll leave that in case people haven't seen it. Anyway, there are a few (3?) beholders. I'm sure one of the thieves even says as much. Okay, they don't do much, but they are there. There was also the little spy creature that my friend and DM sitting next to me instantly whispered "homunculus" about. So that must have been recognisable. There were plenty of Orcs milling around. I am pretty sure I spotted a dragon at one point too ;-) What was missing, I felt, was any obvious reference to D&D style priests/clerics. Presumably to keep the "D&D is all false gods and devil worshipping" lot quiet. Other religions and gods were only vaguely implied. Okay, so it maybe sounds like I am coming out heavily in favour of the movie. The bottom line is (IMO) it wasn't a great movie by any means, but it was enjoyable and probably has come the closest to capturing some of the feel of tabletop D&Ding in any movie I have seen. What was impressive however, was the trailer for "Lord of the Rings" that was being shown just before D&D in the cinema I saw it in. Now I am looking forward to seeing that. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Stealthy Ivan Posted April 10, 2001 D&D is fucking awsome, does any one on here play/dm a 2 edition campaign...? 0 Share this post Link to post
Enjay Posted April 10, 2001 Yes, I play in an ongoing campaign in Greyhawk. Set in the town of Y'Bent (an anagram of Tenby in South Wales, It's pronounced Ye-Ben). The town is a thieves town and is the invention of my DM. He has been running campaigns in Greyhawk for about 12 years now. He never "re sets" the world, so it has evolved quite a lot during that time. The current campaign and scenario has been running for about 2 years on and off now. We are currently looking at migrating to the 3 edition rules. There have been a few minor teething problems. Ultimately we will decide which rules to use and which to scrap. We may well end up with a 2nd/3rd edition hybrid. 0 Share this post Link to post
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