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Guest Liam the Bard

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Guest Liam the Bard

What is the WORST user made wad you have ever played?
Name(if you remember) and describe.

There's prolly worse(that I haven't played) but for me, it's this one wad(forgot name, deleted it long ago) That was no challenge, about five rooms, and the doors had the same texture as the walls around it so you had to guess where the doors were.

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Hmm... worst? Well maybe one I made a long time ago, but that isn't someone else so maybe it was a single room one with no exit I played a while ago...

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The worst levels I have ever played are the ones I made (random textures :P). But seriously, there was one called UC.WAD for Doom 2. It was supposed to be the Ultimate Challange, and basically it was 5 rooms filled with huge monsters like Masterminds, Barons, Arch-Viles, and rounded off with a ton of zombies and SS dudes.

Going back to the topic of levels I made, I actually made one really cool one with a pedestal on which is a key guarded by Hell Knights and a Baron...in the same room I wrote '666' using red pillar-things. I wish I had that editor still, it was the only one I've ever figured out. It was called DoomE2 and the company closed down (more likely the guys who made it got bored) while my check to register was in the mail :P

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Guest deathwarrior

the first wad i made. sometime in 1994. it had one sector, it was puny, it had one player start and a cyberdemon. 'nuff said.

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There were a couple, but I'm not going to say what one was called, because there were like 20+ authors involved in it.

It was a PC that had sounds from some movie which didn't go with the weapon, item, etc. It mostly had sounds (or should I say voice clips) that sounded like they had a modulation of 11,025 Hz or lower. The midis were average, but not bad, but the levels had ledges or elevated areas that were impossible to reach.

There was another which I don't remember what it was called, but the levels were so short with like 4 rooms or so. It had mismatching textures and flats, the HOM effect, the so called "Tuitti-Fruitti" effect on most doors and short textures, even some missing textures which causes the HOM, teleporter lines that had the first side pointed the wrong way making it almost impossible to teleport, and impassable areas where you know it's supposed to be passable. Looks like that person was in a big hurry. Jeez...

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Most of the x-rated wads on ftp.cdrom.com sucks by scanned pics of bad taste. But there are also two or three good ones with nice architecture and monster placing which are downgraded by those porn scans. I do not remember names now, but look again in the archives since i_am_old_enough_to_look_at_this.

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Guest Doom4Ever

the worst one i have ever seen was a tie between this one that tried to be team fortress for doom. it had 1 weapon and that was the "grenade launcher" which looked like the roket launcher and worked like it and did same damage as it. allso there was a turret that would shoot at you if it saw you.but the whole level was just 2 walls.thats it. the other one was this soccer thing where you and your enemy each had this small hole in each wall. now to score you had to knok em in but it was way way to small so they had to be right in front of it and then you have to kill them with a weaponso their body falls forward and back into the goal.

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That wouldn't happen to be the "Daemon" series on the Doom Alchemy comp, would it?

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