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Doom t shirt?

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My cousin had a Doom t-shirt. It wasn't anything special, just had the Doom logo in red on the upper right of the front and some quote on the back. I wouldn't wear it.

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I only have the one that came with the Id-Athology, a black one, brand "Fruit of the Loom". Those t-shirts are banned in my country (Germany) and I am guessing also in North Korea and the Iraque (I do not know how many times I spoke about game banning before in this forum, forgive me :-). That is wy I made a Doom jacked myself for which I earn jealous looks (sometimes people also laugh at me). If you want Doom shirts, the easiest way would be to look for a t-shirt printshop.

Do you want the Ultimate Doom poster? I just uploaded it to my Yahoo-briefcase. It is 1.7MB and a retouched 150dpi jpg (uncompressed 24MB). Here is the link:


Just click on the thumbnail or navigate back through my folder and save it.

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Lüt said:

My cousin had a Doom t-shirt. It wasn't anything special, just had the Doom logo in red on the upper right of the front and some quote on the back. I wouldn't wear it.

hehe cool...I'll check out the poster, thanx!

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