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I'm patching up Cube and giving the text file some finishing touches. After this, I probably wont bother with Cube anymore (At least not for Doom.....)

I had a plan of making my own models and sounds and textures and EVERYTHING and putting them all into a Quake 2 patch (Cube for Quake 2). Or I could do it for Half-Life. Whichever's easier to edit :)

Ok, here are a few new things that I added since the last version (Bear in mind that I don't remember the old version very well, so somthing i mentioned could have already been done)

-New music

-New sounds

-Aligned textures! The Acolyte and the V.2 Electrode Gun are now aligned correctly so they don't look VERY stupid

-Some new graphics! The Desert Eagle looks diffrent (And very fimilar ;) )

-A new monster, which you'll discover for yourself (That is if you've played before. Let's just say "Don't be too hasty to destroy a barrel")

-Color scheme matches (That means people who used to have green blood now have red to corespond with bloodsplats being red)

-Changed Duel little miniguns to one big ass minigun

-Some weapons are heavier than others (Meaning, the heavier they are, the longer it takes to pull them up)

Tommorow is Cube Day. OH, and today is the Potheads New Year! YA!!!!

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Guest Cacodemon Leade

All right, this TC is going to rock. That Pain Elemental replacement monster is a Hellraiser DOOM 2 monster known as the mutant, or as I call it, Mr. "I have pain".

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Heh, well i'm glad at least one of us is excited about this game. BTW, Caco, after i upload Cube, i'm gonna go buy Serious Sam.

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Guest Cacodemon Leade

Cool. That's a great idea. They sell cheap around 20-30 dollars.

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Yo, I can't wait to play it dawg! It sounds tight as fuck!

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